11:11 PM // idk gay shit

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Strong wind blew through Newt's hair, the poster he was taping to the tree nearly flying away. Newt looked up to find dark clouds hover above his small town, the gusts of wind becoming stronger by the minute. Newt sighed and looked at the poster, big blue eyes of a black cat staring back at him. "God, where are you?" He said under his breath, hopelessly looking around as if the cat would appear out of the blue. The big, black words under the picture that said "MISSING" didn't make him feel any better either. After a moment, he reached for his backpack to grab another poster, only to find out it was the last one. It struck him that he spent the entire morning putting up maybe a hundred posters.

"Hey Newt!" A shout came, Newt turned his head to see Minho jogging towards him, his husky running right beside him. "Hey Minho." Newt answered, putting up a weak smile. Minho reached him and got to a stop, looking at the poster. "Still no luck?" He asked, Newt shook his head. "He'll come back soon, i'm sure of that. It's supposed to storm later today, surely he'll return to you for safety." The statement made Newt's heart drop, "What if he gets caught up in the storm? What if he's injured and the storm will finish him? What if-" Minho put his hands on Newt's shoulder. "Hey! Calm down, Newt. He'll be okay." The touch managed to comfort Newt, his heartbeat slowing down along with his breath. "There we go," Minho smiled. "You're free to come over tonight for dinner if you'd like, Gally and Frypan are staying at mine tonight and you know Frypan and food." Newt nodded. "Thanks Minho, I really appreciate it." 

Thunder sounded from afar, making both boys look up at the darkening clouds around them. Ï'll get going, text me if you're down for tonight." Newt sighed and nodded, "Once again, thanks. You better get home before it starts to rain." Newt turned his gaze to the husky that was sat beside Minho's leg. "Wouldn't want your fancy fur to become a soggy and smelly mess, huh?" He chucked, petting the dog on the head. "Wouldn't want you to become a soggy and smelly mess either, Newt." Minho said in a low tone, he always used it to imitate his husky talking which Newt always found funny. "See ya around, mate." Newt stood up and gave Minho a smile, "See ya, mate." Minho answered with a mockingly british accent before turning around and jogging off. Newt look one last look at the posted before turning around aswell, walking off home.

*   *   *

"Jesus, the streets are gonna flood. Don't be surprised if the power goes off." Newt said looking through his window, rain pouring down along with thunder illuminating the sky every other second. "Yeah, Gally didn't even get here yet. He said he's stuck in traffic due to an accident." Minho sounded from the phone that Newt held in his hand on speaker. "First time that he didn't cause one! That's something new." They shared a laugh before another voice sounded in the background of Minho. "Oh, Gally's here and he looks mad. I'll call you back." Minho said shortly after. "Good that, say hi to him from me." Newt said, hoping his sadness wasn't audible through the phone. "Will do." And with that, he hung up. Newt looked at the time, 11:11 PM, he shut his phone off and huddled further into the blanket he was covering himself with while looking outside. It was a pleasant night, his lights were shut off and the sound of rain soothed Newt's stress. Right as he shut his eyes to doze off, his doorbell rang, almost making his flinch. "What in the world?" Newt groaned under his breath, his unwrapped himself from the blanket while the doorbell rang again, "Yeah, yeah!" He made his way to the front door and opened it with annoyance.

 "Um, hey, are you Newt?" A stranger boy said, his brunette hair was soaked, sticking to his forehead, his grey sweater and what seemed like brown pants were soaked too. Dripping from the rain. "Gus!" He said with a smile, taking his cat from the hands of the stranger. "I- Yes, i'm Newt, thank you so much!" The stranger smiled in response, but Newt couldn't help but notice the boy shivering. "Hey, come in, wouldn't want you catchin'a cold." Newt stepped aside, turning the lights in the hallway on. The boy was hesitant, but he walked in as soon as thunder struck not far away, making him flinch. Newt led him to the living room, turning all the lights and heaters on, he brought him dry clothing and while the boy was changing, Newt made some tea for the two of them.

"You're one idiot, aren't you now?" Newt said while drying Gus off with a towel, the cat meowed in response. "Yes you are." The door to his bathroom gently shut and Newt looked back to see the boy, his hair towel dried and messy, Newt's baggy clothing looking significantly better on him than the wet clothing. "Um, thank you. I hate thunderstorm and I tried to call you but the line was busy for hours." Newt patted a seat on the couch beside him, signalling for the boy to join him on it. "Yeah, i've been calling a friend of mine. Sorry 'bout that." The boy sat down besides Newt and nodded, "It's alright, I'm Thomas by the way." Newt looked at him. "Thomas.. Agnes? Class A2?" He asked, Thomas nodded. "Newt Isaac, class A5?" Newt smiled and looked down, "Suppose we do know each other a bit, huh?" "Guess we do, yeah." 

Thunder roared outside, making Thomas flinch again. "Are you scared of thunder?" Newt asked, looking back to look out the window. "Loud noises overall, usually i try and sleep through storms like these." Newt lookede back at Thomas, noticing his hands trembling slightly. Hesitantly, Newt took Thomas's hand, making the brunette look at their hands and then at Newt. "Um, I thought it might help- Sorry." As Newt tried to pull his hand away, Thomas squeezed it. "It does, it does." He said, they exchanged a soft smile. Thunder continued to roar and Newt noticed that the brunette had less and less reaction on it.

Newt grabbed the blanket he had wrapped himself in earlier and he scooted back onto the couch, Thomas followed his movements without any questions. Newt threw the blanket over them, leaning back against the couch and turning his head to look at Thomas, who was sat smiling at him. "What?" Newt said softly, sleep creeping up at him. "You know, I know we've only ever shared like 3 classes, but everytime we were in the same one I had to stop myself from staring at you." Thomas said equally soft, Newt felt his face heat up a it. He didn't answer, only stupidly smiled. "And I hope you don't mind.." Thomas's free hand cupped Newt's cheek, Newt could feel his limbs go weak at the touch. The brunette leaned in and kissed him passionatly, Newt kissed back with his heart racing so fast that he thought it could jump out of his body at any second. Thomas pulled away and gave him a soft smile, Newt returned the smile before kissing thee brunette again.

The storm seemed to have quieted down for them, only rain now tapping against the window behind them. The lights were off and only yellow streetlights from outside illuminated the place. Thomas and Newt couldn't let each other go, and Newt began to realise he didn't even know what time it was anymore. But he didn't care, his mind overtaken by lust.

Thomas laid his head down on Newt's chest that was painted with hickeys, both of them breathing heavily. Newt could only now really feel the exhaustion wash over him, his eyes shutting and refusing to open. He wrapped his arms around Thomas and they drifted off to sleep.

then Gus exploded and they both died lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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