Chapter Ten

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You opened the envelope to find a long, jarring letter:

Dear [Y/N],

We are very worried about you. About 2 weeks ago, it was rumored around the village that you were in an... intimate relationship with Queen Eclipsa. This obviously alarmed us, but we had no evidence to back that claim.

Until now.

Several people, including many we know, saw you and the queen around town together, even holding hands some of the time. Since then, we have heard horrible, objectifying and sometimes homophobic things said about you, our daughter. This has caused outrage and ruined our family's name.

We're writing to you to ask you to end your relationship with Queen Eclipsa and come home. Please.

We don't care that you're gay, and we don't fault you for this. She is taking advantage of you, [Y/N]. We know you are legally an adult, but far too young to be with her.

We love you, and all we want is for you to live a normal life. There have already been consequences for this, and things will only get worse if you stay with her.


Mom and Dad

You could barely process what you had just read. Your date night was only the tip of the iceberg to the whole situation that you were now fully aware of. The people of Mewni hated you, just like they hated Eclipsa. Your name now had an obscene connotation to it and was synonymous with sexual immorality. But, the worst part to you was that your parents knew. They knew everything. Not only about your relationship, but also that you were a lesbian. You hadn't told anyone you knew yet, and you weren't ready to come out. Even though your family accepted you, you couldn't help but feel incredibly violated.

Your worlds hadn't just collided, one was destroying the other. Fast. You were scared shitless and had no idea what to do. Despite hardly being able to endure this gut-wrenching feeling, you decided not to tell Eclipsa yet. You wanted things to be normal in the castle for as long as they could be.

It was almost time to go to bed, and Eclipsa was almost finished with her nighttime routine in the bathroom. You quickly hid the letter away in a drawer with your clothes before she came out. You sat on your side of the bed waiting for her as she walked out in her pajamas.

Eclipsa sat next to you, wearing a look on her face that insinuated concern, "What's wrong, darling?"

"Nothing, why?"

"I know that's a lie," she tenderly brushed you cheek. "You can talk to me, you know..."

"No, really. I'm fine," you insisted.

"Alright, get some rest then."

This continued for the next few days, with her trying to initiate the conversation and you turning her down. You were unusually distant from her, avoiding excess physical contact and affection. You felt guilty doing so, and you could tell it made her sad. She may have been dominant in the sheets with you, but she was sweet and nurturing otherwise. However, you were too overwhelmed with shame to be your normal self, and you needed space.

About three nights later, you were going to bed with Eclipsa again, like always. However, like the previous couple of nights, you were secluded on your side of the bed instead of cuddling with her. When you did fall asleep, you had a dream that was vivid and strange.

You were in the rose garden, wandering through it alone. You took in the fresh aroma in the air from the flowers and savored the tranquility that surrounded you. Suddenly, you saw a piece of paper fall from the sky. You picked it up to see it was the letter your parents had sent you. Seeing it instantly rattled you and caused a sensation of anxiety in your stomach. It was a dreadful reminder of what you knew you would eventually have to face when all you wanted to do was run. Being unable to bring yourself to reread it; you crumpled it up, dropped it on the ground and kept walking.

That was it, the entire dream. You woke up slightly disoriented, but snapped out of it fairly quickly before going to breakfast. The day was passing by fairly normally, and nothing eventful had occurred.

Until, Eclipsa popped a familiar question that afternoon: "[Y/N], would you care to join me for tea?"

"Sure," you replied.

Once you arrived and started drinking your tea, you two sustained an uncomfortable silence for what seemed like forever, which got you in your head. You noticed that this time, when she asked, she sounded more intentional than just wanting to casually spend time with you. Did she know what was going on? Neither of you had left the castle since your date night, but maybe she had somehow caught wind of the severity of the whole situation. You don't know how she would have figured it out, but it seemed like she knew what was going on.

"So," she broke the tension, "Your parents wrote you quite the letter, didn't they?"


Not only did she know about the situation, but about the contents of the letter. You were incredibly bewildered by this. How was it even possible?

Eclipsa sighed, "I have something to confess. I used magic to... go into your mind and read the letter. I really shouldn't have. I know it was an invasion of your privacy, and I'm sorry. I've just been worried about you, my dear. Very worried."

Your bewilderment turned to shock. You knew that Eclipsa was very skilled with her magic, and could access information she wasn't necessarily supposed to, but entering your mind? Reading your thoughts? That's not something you'd ever thought she'd do.

"You... read my mind?"

"Yes. You have every right to be angry with me. I hope you can forgive me, though. You haven't been yourself lately. You look withdrawn, sad and distant; certainly not the [Y/N] I know. I hate seeing you depressed, and I want to help. Please, talk to me."

Despite feeling slightly betrayed, you knew you couldn't be mad at her. It didn't seem like it was something she was proud of, almost like she felt like she had to do it. A switch flipped in you, and you were ready to open up about your emotions.

"I forgive you. I'm sorry I've been cold. I should have just told you about it to begin with."

"Please, you don't have to apologize for anything. But, no more secrets, ok?"

"Deal," you agreed. "I just- have no idea what to do. Mewni hates me. I'm being called all of these horrible things, even in front of my family. I know I'm safe here at the castle, but the current outside world sounds like pure hell for me."

She looked down sadly, "I'm so, so sorry. I hope think you already know, but you deserve none of this. You are a beautiful, young girl; not hurting anybody. People are sick for wanting to do or say anything to hurt you, especially out of bigotry. I swear, if any one of them touches you-"

"Don't worry. This might be unfamiliar territory for me, but I can handle it. None of it is shocking to me anymore."

"I know, you're a strong girl. I just want to protect you. It's dangerous out there, and I want to know that you're ok. However, I do understand if you want to go be with your family."

You didn't hesitate in your response, "No. I don't want to go out there if I don't have to. I want to stay. I... I want to be with you."

"Then you can be with me. I will keep you safe," she took your hand and kissed it.

"Thank you..."

"No need to thank me. I would do anything for you."

Before you could reply, a guard came to the table, "[Y/N], your parents are outside of the castle. They wish to speak with you."

Eclipsa x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now