Prologue | Elio's deal

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You did it again, You killed Joachim once more, Your collegue, best friend, Your love of your life.

You are severly depressed once more and you regretted everything you do, every word you said, and even everything you love about him. Now here you are, tears welling up on your eyes, a completed sketchbook filled of portraits of yourself made by your darling sitting at the floor scattered into shreds, You didn't know on which universe was the sketchbook from but- it didn't matter to you, You were obsessed with it and every note and drawings of it.

"I loved him, Yet I killed him again." You said as you choke on your tears, You felt like fate is forcing you to destroy him or watch him perish and suffer all the time while you cannot do a single thing, You were simply powerless.

The worst part, You couldn't even save him nor end your own bitter-sweet life due to having a status of immortality, It was eternal hell.

You love him, get along with him and killed him again, again and again in every universe, a true endless cycle.

Each time he dies, The pain in your heart grew and it never became numb, Life is making sure that you will never get used to it. This isn't hell, this was worst than hell for you and you couldn't understand why anymore.

You feel like your heart is going to explode once more, Your mind is hazy and your neck is suffocating by a noose or hands that you couldn't see.

Even feel like vomiting through the guilt, and the shame, as you were holding and staring at the knife that you always slaughter both Man, Beast and Honkai.

Now, The knife is covered in Joachim's blood once more.

You were the monster, The nameless of the side character. Althought it wasn't very new for you though you were desperate for a change and willing to do anything.

After you stared a minute at your knife, before you look down at Joachim's corpse. You come to a realization you ended his suffering again, and yet you noticed he continued to smile at the end despite stab wound that you yourself created for him but you couldn't watch him suffer any longer thats why you kill him. You were guilty, So guilty that you wanted to stab yourself too but you knew too well it wouldn't change a thing.

Joachim loved you in every universe, You always promise to yourself you wouldn't fall in love with Joachim after each death in every universe but- it always failed each time he smiled at you. You regret it severly.


"You seem to be quiet than usual." Elio said as he took the seat next to you, as you rolled your eyes before giving a bitter chuckle.

You and Elio have been good friends ever since you both met at the Masked Fool's Bar at Worlds End when Elio is gambling and you were againsts him and won.

"Try guessing it Elio." You were cocky as you smirk when you watch Elio trying his best to read you both raw skill and his skill.

"Okay you got me.. I admit, Even if I use the ability of seeing the future againsts you it simply doesn't work." Elio admits as he chuckled, as he offered you a drink which you immediantly accept.

A few minutes and a few drinks and shots past by, Elio finally spoke up "You know, Y/n. I think you seem to only visit this universe when you are only here because your depressed." He looks at you as you were already drinking your 5th shot.

"You think?" You rolled your eyes as you chuckled, your face is started to heat up due to the alcohol. Your light weight of a alcohol tolerance seems to be hitting you quite hard as you took another shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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