A New Beginning

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That night, Elena decided it would be a good idea for me to meet all her friends.

"How about we go to The Grill for dinner?" Elena asked "and you can meet everyone".

"Sure, ok, sounds good".

Elena, Stefan and I all walked into The Grill together and walked over to a table where several other people were already sitting.

Elena introduced me to everyone.

Caroline was the blonde bubbly one who reminded me a bit of Hannah.

Bonnie was the one dating her brother Jeremy who was sitting next her.

Jeremy was kind of good looking though.

Matt was the cute blond with the gorgeous blue eyes, who was Caroline and Elena's ex but also good friend.

Tyler was Caroline's boyfriend and a total hotty.

Why did all the hot boys have to be taken?

I sat down at the table with everyone and we talked a bit about me and my parents and my life in North Carolina - which made feel really sad.

We all ate and talked about school and life in Mystic Falls and we all seemed to get along very well. I could tell that I will fit right into this group of friends.

When we got home, I was so tired I just wanted to sleep. But as soon as Stefan and I walked inside there was guy standing there.

I presumed he was Stefan's brother, Damon. He was drop-dead-gorgeous.

Damon's P.O.V

When I found out that we were going to have a girl named Aria living with us, I thought maybe I could use her as my 'human blood bag'.

But seeing her standing there right in front of me made me think otherwise.

"Hi, I'm Damon, Stefan's brother", I said it in a weirdly happy tone, but I still did my signature crooked smile.

She smiled back at me, studying me. "I'm Aria", the way she said her name and gave me the cutest smile melted my heart.

But I couldn't show it.

She had big beautiful dark eyes and dark brown hair that sat perfectly on her shoulders. Aria was petite and thin but looked very strong. She wore black skinny jeans, black high top converse and a grey hoodie that seemed way to big for her.

"I'm really tired, I think I might just go get some rest", she said turning from me to Stefan.

"Sure, let me know if there is anything I can get for you", Stefan said with a smile.

She began to walk up the stairs but stopped and turned around for a second "Goodnight", she said with that adorable smile of hers.

And just like that I knew I needed to have her.

~~~ 2 Days Later ~~~

Aria's P.O.V

When I walked into the kitchen, there was no one there so I just assumed they were all still sleeping.

As I was contemplating what to have for breakfast,I noticed a not sitting on the bench.

To Stefan, Damon and Aria,

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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