Group Chat: Day 1

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TommyLee created "MOTLEY FUCKING CRUE"
TommyLee added NikkiSixxPixx to the group chat
TommyLee added 1313MARS to the group chat
TommyLee added VinnieLien to the group chat

TommyLee is online


VinnieLien is online

VinnieLien: hey tommy
VinnieLien: whats happening?


NikkiSixxPixx is online

NikkiSixxPixx: not surprised
NikkiSixxPixx: send pic

TommyLee: No, you'll just fuck her like how you fucked my last girlfriend!

NikkiSixxPixx: no I won't! promise

VinnieLien: dont trust him, Tommy

TommyLee: I don't trust Nikki at all >:(

NikkiSixxPixx: awh hey why the mean face? :((

TommyLee: Noooo don't be sad nikki!!
TommyLee: I'm sorryy

1313MARS is online

1313MARS: what the fuck is going on

NikkiSixxPixx: tommy made me sad :(

1313MARS: tommy, why did you make nikki sad?

TommyLee: Because I wouldn't show Nikki my new girlfriend

1313MARS: why won't you show nikki?

TommyLee: Because he'll just fuck her!

1313MARS: fair enough.

NikkiSixxPixx: youre taking his side?
NikkiSixxPixx: fine then.
NikkiSixxPixx: vinnie, youre my fav person ever. youre on my side, right?

VinnieLien: no

NikkiSixxPixx: fuck yall! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

NikkiSixxPixx is offline

1313MARS: well now that hes gone, what are we gonna do

TommyLee: 🤷‍♀️

VinnieLien: well its boring so im leaving now
VinnieLien: later ✌️

VinnieLien is offline

1313MARS: im going with him. see ya later, drummer.

TommyLee: Nooo don't leave me alone!

1313MARS is offline

TommyLee: well fuck

TommyLee is offline

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