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Life is full of betrayers. I used to think that only my mom is the worst person in the world. But seems like I've to have explore more than worst.

I trust Nick as a faithful lover or a partner. But see, he used my words as a trick. If my submission towards someone gives him the rights to sell my dignity and me, then I would rather never accept the fact . I'll never say that I'm someone's. Not even at my death, I'll hold my whole dignity to my grave.

That man, Lucky, leads me all the way to a office cabin. We enter in a corridor from lift. Corridor is designed in a beautiful showpieces, drawings, wall paintings and so on. It's completely different from the Pub area.

“ Mam, please get in ” , That man opens the black glass door for me and steps aside to lead the way in.

“ Umm okay, but you don't have to call me Mam. Call me by my name” , it's awkward for me to hear Mam from someone who barely know me.

“ Sorry Mam, but No one is here allowed to call you by your name except King ” , he bows down and I enter the office. My eyes roam all over and found it as the most beautiful place I've ever seen.

I hear the door locked behind as the man left. I look at the office, all the black furniture beautifully polished and clean. There is a book shelf too. My obsession with books is eternal. My eyes wander something my types of zoner but gets disappointed. I sigh silently and turned around.

I take a little steps towards the back of his chair as I found a little valley types space. It's took maybe two or three little steps to explore the big glass wall that shows the perfect view of Seoul.

I gasp at the view. I have never seen Seoul like this. Brightness of Seoul doesn't even Takes a minute to sucks the depression I was suffering for.

“ Do you like it Babygirl? ”

A dark deep voice practically whispers over my ears that my soul flinch up to reality. I turn my face to meet the owner.

“ Did I scare you, Eva? ”

The name Eva, in his manly voice, doing a black magic on me. No one ever calls me Eva. I pull myself together .

“ No! Umm where's Nick? ”

He straight up his body from my height . His shirt was change in sky blue. I couldn't understand the reason .

“ Eva, Can you wait for 5 minutes? I've to make a important  call and then I'll take you to your home. ”

His voice is rough, deep but soft. My eyes never left a moment to notice how his piercing lips moves according to the words.

I don't know him and neither want to bother him. So I shake my head as well as my hands.

“ No no.... You don't have to take me home. I can go by myself just ask Nick to give me back my apartment keys. ”

𝘿𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙇𝙔 𝙊𝘽𝙎𝙀𝙎𝙎𝙄𝙊𝙉 || 𝙅𝙀𝙊𝙉 𝙅𝙐𝙉𝙂𝙆𝙊𝙊𝙆  Where stories live. Discover now