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One month passed !

After that night, we never talked to each other again. He clearly told me that, I am not allowed to go anywhere but this mansion. Although my college will be continued and sometimes I could join Art exhibitions too ! But his bodyguards will follow me.

I barely see him these days. He comes home after I sleep and goes out before I wake up. It's not like, I wanted to meet him too much but after that night something has changed really. Not physically but my soul knows she has changed. Like it's carrying an owner!

I could feel that but can't understand!

It's evening , I was sitting on the couch of my drawing room and painting a portrait for my weekend examination. These days, sitting casually becomes a bit uncomfortable because some of his new bodyguards are appointed.

I noticed one of them looking at me, sometimes gazing intensely. I mean, I got it that it's their job to keep an eye on me but eyeing me like this, I hate it.

When Betty used to be here, I barely could see him but he was always there. But again, what I can even do?

I wrapped up the brushes and paints. Put it on the table and decided to take a walk outside. I simply hang a cardigan over my shoulder as it's almost November and weather has started to change.

One thing common about India and Korea, Seasons changes almost same time.

I approached to the door.

“ Where are you going? ”

I narrowed my eyebrows to him. Is he questioning me? However, I put a soft smile on my face before answering.

“ Umm outside to take a small walk as I am bored here. ”

The hand he stretches to stop me doesn't low with my words.

“ You're not allowed to go outside. ”

Not allowed? Jeon hasn't informed me anything about it. And why?

“ I'm not running away. It's just, I'm going to garden to take a fresh air. ”

His face darkened more. He leaned over my face and trailed his fingers over my arm. His smoky smell of cigarettes was disgusting . I pull my hands aside to maintain a distance from him.

Does he know I'm Jeon's wife?

He chuckled and whispers softly,

“ I told you, You're not going anywhere Sweetheart . ”

My heart beats so fast with his behaviour. Suddenly I was shivering with fear as the memory of Yuna follows me.

“ Don't make me throw you inside. ”

𝘿𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙇𝙔 𝙊𝘽𝙎𝙀𝙎𝙎𝙄𝙊𝙉 || 𝙅𝙀𝙊𝙉 𝙅𝙐𝙉𝙂𝙆𝙊𝙊𝙆  Where stories live. Discover now