Oh Glory

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"I'm not doing that! That's so gross!" Dai Yu was in the clinic of the women's quarters for the second time since moving. Last time she'd had to get naked for a physical which she thought was the most awkward thing that could happen in this room, until today when the doctor asked her to pee in a cup. "What are you even going to do with it?!"

"Is this really necessary?" The nameless servant girl asked behind her sleeve, as if Dai Yu wasn't going to hear her standing right there. "I mean, she doesn't even bleed yet?"

"Well, if she was about to have her first period when fertilization took place, it's still possible. Better to find out early so we can, ah, fix it before it becomes a bigger problem...Come on Princess, I just need to do a little test to make sure you're healthy! It won't hurt a bit!" The Doctor lifted her voice up a pitch whenever she spoke to Dai Yu, the way some people did when they talked to babies or pets.

Dai Yu crossed her arms, her face throbbed from the bruising on it. "Why?"

Nameless spoke from behind her sleeve again. "The prince said they never did anything."

"Well he would, wouldn't he?" The Doctor replied.

"But they're both so young..."

Dai Yu bit her cheek. Seijun had gone missing since the dinner with Ozai, leaving Nameless to handle her care which she did with the painful hesitancy of someone holding a boiling potato with chopsticks. Dai Yu thinks she preferred Seijun's pushiness.

Nameless also wasn't going to let her send a letter to Daishan to ask about dad until Seijun came back to check them. When Dai Yu pressed more about where her nursemaid had gone, Nameless had fearfully whispered that she'd been punished and was away recovering right now.

Dai Yu didn't ask what she was punished for.

"I think it's clear the prince is old enough for us to at least be concerned, I've talked to Dr. Umino about it and he's said as much." Dr. Choi said before turning back to Dai Yu and speaking in her stupid baby voice again. "You can go into the room in there and leave it on the little table, and as soon as you're done you can leave. Okay?"

"What are you going to do with it?" Dai Yu repeated.

"Well, we're going to pour it on this little plant here," Dr. Choi indicated a potted plant on her windowsill, which stood in a line with several other identical plants, "And if it turns a different color than its friends in a few days, I'll know if I need to do anything else to keep you healthy. Okay?"

Dai Yu didn't want to. It was still weird and gross even with that explanation. But they weren't going to let her leave until she did it. She left the cup on the table next to the chamber pot and washed her hands thoroughly in the washbasin. She wondered if Zuko's doctor had ever made him do this.


"Are you angry at me?" Dai Yu whispered to Zuko. It had been over a month since he'd met up with her outside of eating together, which was usually quiet and tense with Azula right there and the recent memories hanging above them.

She'd finally tracked him down by chance in the palace library, leaning over an open scroll with several more next to him.

He startled before glancing up to meet her eyes "What? No."

She waited for him to elaborate, causing the uncomfortable silence to stretch on for several seconds "I haven't seen you in a while."

Zuko dropped his gaze back to the scroll. "I've been busy. I need to work harder now."

Black Jade - Zuko X OCWhere stories live. Discover now