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"Abhiraj she i-is pregnant you can't hurt her"  as soon as I said that
Abhiraj held my hand tightly
And said
" You really need some punishment"
He said in his cold and dangerous tone
"Sakshi go to your room and be ready tomorrow you will go to doctor with me and siya , understood" he said to sakshi in his cold and scary voice

Sakhshi quickly stood up and left the crying badly . As she left Abhiraj started dragging me to our room I told him to stop but he was not listening
He threw me on the bed and locked the door and hovered over me

I knew what was coming , he is again going to force me. this  has happened 4 to 5 times before

Next morning
Siya pov

I opened my eyes , and tried to move my legs but they were paining like hell.  Abhiraj is not present in the room  he must  have gone for gym

I quickly stood up and went to washroom while taking support from the wall

After taking a relaxing shower this is what I wore

I come out of the washroom and went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast and coffee for everyone

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I come out of the washroom and went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast and coffee for everyone

I entered the kitchen and saw mummy ji ordering staff to make some things , Rabia is not at home she had to leave for her parents house in new Delhi as her dad was not well

" Good morning mummy ji" I said touching her feets
" Good morning , today you will not make breakfast as it's samaira first raskoi so she will make the food"
She said to me and I nodded
But I still need to make coffee for Abhiraj

At the dining table
Everyone is seated here
I am sitting between Abhiraj and samaira , After 40 mins everyone was done with there breakfast I ate only bread and butter as I don't like to eat heavy in the morning

In the afternoon

Me Abiraj and Samaria were sitting in the car Abhiraj was driving while I was sitting in the passenger seat and Sakshi was sitting at the back
She was sleeping as she said she was feeling naseous from the morning

After 20 min we reached the hospital
It was the most expensive and the best hospital of Jaipur
I have already taken a oppoimtment
for a gynologist

We entered the clinic and the doctor greeted us
" Good afternoon mr and mrs Rathore
How are you " she said in a polite voice
" Good afternoon doctor , I am good 
How are you" I said in soft voice

" Oh by the way congratulations for your pregnancy" doctor said making me widened my eyes while Abhiraj was sitting there without any expression

" No , no doctor actually I am not pregnant, my sister in law sakshi is pregnant" I said quickly while pointing towards sakshi who seems nervous

" Oh my bad , well congratulations sakshi  , come on let's do the check up "  doctor said and sakshi modded

After 15 mins

Me and Abhiraj are sitting in the clinic while the doctor is checking sakshi I don't know why but I am not feeling Well .


                 To be continued

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Next episode on Thursday evening

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