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Since there were many people,
Everyone decided to have lunch outside.
Abhiraj is driving while I am sitting on the passenger seat and  mummy ji and bua ji is sitting at the back .
While all the youngsters are coming in other cars

After 30 mins
Finally we have reached the hotel ,
It is one of the most expensive hotel in Jaipur
We all went towards a private area
And settle ourselves there
I am sitting between Abhiraj and sakshi
Soon everybody ordered food for themselves and Abhiraj ordered salad
, Rice and juice for me and sakshi

Everyone were eating there food , suddenly sakshi come a little closer to me and whispered in my ear
" Bhabhi, do you want to eat ice cream " she said making my eyes widened a little as I know Abhiraj has strictly restricted me from eating ice cream
" I want to eat , but your brother will kill me if he got to know " I wisperd in sakshi's ear
" Don't worry , just follow me "
She said smirking a little towards me

Suddenly sakshi said
" Guys , I am coming in 2 mins I need to go washroom"
She said while standing up
" I also want to go washroom"
I said in a little voice to Abhiraj
He nodded

Me and sakshi both came out of the private area and went towards the
Ice cream station which was already present in the hotel
Sakshi ordered blue lagoon flavour
While I ordered chocolate flavour
For my self

I was just going to take the first bite but a voice stopped both of us in our track
We both slowly turn around and saw
Abhiraj standing there with very cold face and  saw Viki ( sakshi's husband)
Standing there

" Explain" Abhiraj said in dangerous calm voice while glaring at Siya

" Bhai, I-it———" Sakshi was cutted off by Abhiraj
" I.Said.Explain.Siya " Abhiraj said in a very Angry but calm voice
" I -i am sorry, I was craving for ice cream " I said while looking down

Abhiraj came forward and took ice cream Bowl from siya's hand and
Throwed it in the dustbin . And said

" Siya this is the last warning I am giving you , understood" he said

" Y-yes" I said still looking down

"Come, let's go home " Abhiraj said while holding siya's wrist and going towards the parking lot

After 3 hours
Everyone is resting in their rooms
Siya is sleeping in her room as she was very tired 

Abhiraj was doing his work on the room couch suddenly there was a knock on the rooms door

Abhiraj said in a cold voice
"Come in"

The room door opened and it was
Riya ( his cousin )
" Bhai, Everyone is calling you in the
Lawn "
She said and left from the room


Before going to the lawn I placed pillow all around siya so that she doesn't fall down . I covered her with a blanket properly and went downstairs

I entered the lawn and saw everyone sitting there. I went and sit on the sofa

" Abhiraj, we all have decided to go on a small trip to shimla "
Mom said to me

" You all can go , but I and siya will not be going" I said without any emotions

" Please Bhai,bhabhi also wants to go"
Sakshi said

I thought for 5 mins and then agreed
For the trip . Soon everyone went to their room to pack their luggage as we all will be leaving at 3am in the night

I went to my room and saw siya still in a deep slumber . I didn't disturbed her sleep and went to closet and started packing both of our clothes

                    To be continued

Very Sorry for the late update

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