Post #3

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The Day After

⦁     Sirius brought Remus back to their apartment the morning after, which was routine when they were together post-moon. James used to be there and help until he went into hiding.

⦁     When they get to their place, Aberforth is standing in their kitchen. He informed them that Albus required their presences at St. Mungo's as soon as they were able to be there.

⦁     His alpha was in fairly rough condition so Sirius took the message and sent Aberforth on his merry way. He settled Lupin into their bed and healed his wounds as best as possible. He put a charmed meal, a few labeled potions and a note telling Remus that Dumbledore called and he'd be home as soon as possible on the nightstand.

⦁     Their bed is a four poster with thick curtains on the outside and thinner, partially translucent inner ones which allows privacy in light or darkness. It gives Remus a den aspect while Sirius can nest on the mattress.

⦁     Unfortunately, waking up to a missing pack- or bonded-mate and a note or message of some sort containing a vague description of what was happening and when it will or has occurred wasn't uncommon for lots of people, including Sirius and Remus. Full moons always ended up this way, if Remus was around and usually it was the barely functional werewolf being called away.

⦁     Remus knew that Sirius would fight until it killed him or they won and he loved this about his omega but Sirius being in less danger than him was something that pleased him. He also knew the only way that Sirius would never be called on for a dangerous mission was to win the war. If he wasn't already 1000% invested, he was for this objective.

⦁     Jokes on him, I can see rule-breaking Sirius becoming a law-enforcing auror provided the freedom to do so. Which has its risks ofc.

⦁     Sirius apparitated on the street outside and the first thing Sirius noticed that was off was the amount of celebrating wizards in the street; enough for muggles to take notice too. It didn't settle his growing panic, the panic which was always just under the surface these days.

⦁     The ever-present panic stilled his hyperactive restlessness to a sad, emptiness. Nobody has the time nor energy to cry and hyperventilate or crack a joke, Sirius included.

⦁     He was met in the lobby by Dumbledore, on his way out (to meet up with Regulus), and Lily. The alpha was crying. The sight of her made his stomach drop.

⦁     At first, he figured he must've made a face because the first thing Lily did was hug him too tight for him to breathe, her face in his neck. It occurred to him that she could smell him when he realized her alpha was trying to sooth his omega with her pheromones. Given her own state, she was failing to soothe him.

⦁     "We're fine. We all are." She said, "It's been a rollercoaster." He didn't ask what a rollercoaster was. A muggle thing.

⦁     Lily brought Sirius to James' room and began catching him up along the way. James was asleep. "He was awake earlier but he overexerted himself with Harry. Harry's," She stopped dead in her tracks and began crying again.

⦁     Seeing her child get hit with a killing curse is unimaginable and she saw it. He shouldn't've survived. She knows this.

⦁     "Lily?"

⦁     She pulled back after a moment and pushed her hair from her face as she regained her composure somewhat.

⦁     "Harry's fine. He's completely fine." She said, "Just a scratch." She whispered the last bit, more to herself than him. She began walking again and Sirius followed, finally processing what all of them being at St. Mungo's meant.

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