Chapter 13

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Chloe was done finishing up cleaning the desk.

"You have it covered, can I go before it get too dark?" She asks her Coworker.

"Yea, you sure you don't want me to drive you home? I'm almost done vacuuming" Willow her coworker asks

"I'm fine and then you can finally get alone time with James"  she says smirking at her work bestie

"You're funny but I'm not going after another one of my bosses kids again" Willow replies


"I will fill you in another time now go" Willow states walking her out to the front doors of the shop

When Chloe opens the door a tall man with his hood up walks closer to her and Willow.

Chloe unaware and shocked to see the man makes herself jump.

"Yo stop get away from her" Willow shouts after seeing Chloe jump pushing the man towards the wall and having all their strength to keep him on the wall.

"I'm sorry I'm not doing any harm I'm just here to pick up Chloe from work" the strange man stated in a scared tone

"How do you know her name? Why are you picking her up" Willow shouts again

"To give her a ride home and why wouldn't I know her name she's my childhood best friend" the man states

"Clay?" Chloe speaks up

Willow turns her head towards Chloe but still making sure the man is still against the wall.  "You know this dude?"

"Yea just take off his hoodie" Chloe says

Willow takes off the hoodie of the tall man.

The very tall man stands small and scared with his hands up to surrender but smiles at the redhead girl.

"Clay what are you doing here?" Chloe asks

"To drive you home, you seemed pretty stressed about walking home alone after your shift" Clays states.

"Clay you didn't have to do that" Chloe says smiling in an awe.

"Yea I know but I wanted to. I wanted to make sure you arrived home safe" Clay says

"You're too sweet" Chloe smiles

"You too. Also can you please let go of me" Clay says

"Oh yea sorry my bad. Sorry pushing you" Willow says getting off of Clay.

"You're fine, I get it. At least I know someone who has Chloe's back if she's ever in danger" Clay states.

"Well it was nice to meet you Clay, I'm Willow"

"It was nice to meet you too even though I got pushed into a wall first" Clay says giving a small chuckle.

They all laugh until Willow goes back inside and Chloe and Clay walk towards the car together.

A/N: Thank you for reading. We all need a friend like Willow. If you enjoyed please vote it will be deeply appreciated. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

(468 words including author's note)

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