Chapter 16| "party"

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•Emery's POV•

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•Emery's POV•

His opponent-who's name is Zander, as Atlas told me. Brings his hand up to his nose wiping the blood away, Greyson again takes this opportunity to punch him bringing him to the ground, he doesn't stop till Zander doesn't fight it anymore.

"Oh," I sigh.

"What?" Atlas asks from beside me.

"I feel bad for him," I say quietly watching him have to get help to stand up and walk away.

Greyson's announced as the winner, a few people clap but mostly they boo that it's over. We all stand up ready to leave.

"Don't," Atlas says, "Trust me, he may not be a strong fighter but I've met him and he's a horrible person," He pushes.

"Ok," I nod.

"Emery," Char says just above a whisper nudging my arm.

"Hm?" I hum turning to look at her. There's a man in the row just behind her standing annoyingly close to her, he looks drunk.

Atlas looks too and quickly pulls her away gently by the arm. "Hey man-," The drunk guy slurs.

"Fuck off," Atlas says waving him off.

"Thank you," Char says quietly.

"Emery, hey," Rachel says as she and the girls walk closer.

"We have to get going now," Katie says.

"Ok," Char and I say at the same time.

"You guys should come with us instead," Atlas said.

"We came here with them, we can't leave them that would be rude," I say, Char nods agreeing with me.

"Are you guys going to the party?" Char asks.

"We don't usually," He says.

"Let's go already," Rachel sighs dragging out the Y sound.

"Yeah, sure," I nod, We turn and walk away. Once we're back in the main area Char and I link arms again so we don't lose each other in the growing crowds.

On the way there Katie explained the party was at some frat house closer to our school, honestly, my lack of sleep is catching up with me, but they're insisting and I don't want to be the one to ruin everyone's night just because I happen to be a little tired.

There are so many cars parked around the house that we end up having to park down the block and walk the rest of the way.

The frat house is a big white house, with music loud enough I could hear it down the street. Walking closer the place is scattered with college kids and drinks.

The whole place is illuminated with purple lights, making everything slightly more hard to see.

Walking in I grab ahold of Char's hand so we stay together, The place is crawling with people, some dancing, others taking shots.

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