Sixteen - Pt. 2

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MOTHER has finally arrived🥂

sorry sorry sorry for taking so long. june was a difficult month to me and my personal projects  so I was very anxious and sad. but now we're over it (I think lol). hope you enjoy this long chapter!!!

i predict a few showers.
jk gets sentimental
im not sorry for that y'all forgot too easily what Lisa did 🤨

jk gets sentimentalim not sorry for that y'all forgot too easily what Lisa did 🤨

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Jungkook would have preferred to feel his stomach full of satisfaction as he watched Lisa's face slowly fall as her mind processed the reality of the facts. Sitting up straight in front of them, in Jungkook's office after Yoona left her and his cousin arrived; she looked at him in disbelief, then at Jisoo. An almost childish stubbornness trying to deny the fact that neither Im Yoona nor Vogue was really interested in her and her wedding, but in dismantling a farce that was going to revolutionise society. Instead of the pleasure of his fianceé getting a reality check, Jungkook felt his stomach twist with an ugly protective feeling and he gritted his teeth, looking away to not let those big brown eyes filled with disappointment bring him down.

"Oh..." He heard her mutter, then she cleared her throat and gave a soft giggle that was not at all amused.

"Lili," Jisoo used that sweet tone that was unusual for her, only at Christmas when they saw each other and she believed that he still cried for Lisa. "You're still the most interesting thing that magazine will post since Jennie's wedding. Even if that bitch doesn't discover anything, you will still be relevant."

"Obviously," Lisa chuckled wryly, grabbing a glass of water from the coffee table. She didn't buy any of it, what's more, she seemed ready to pick up the phone and cancel everything.

Please, cancel it.

Send them to eat shit.

"It's okay," she took a sip and cleared her throat again, blinking a lot. Jungkook hated to notice she really needed time to recover from this disillusionment. Despite the fact that her ideas of everyone being obsessed with her were immature, it was something to see her sad about it not being completely true. "It's okay," she repeated and it sou. "We will still get that cover."

Of course. That stupid cover was more important than her pride... Jungkook sighed.

"So," she ran her hands down her pants. "Who's the snitch?" And she directed a very direct and wordy look at him.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Are you accusing Jimin Hyung?"

"No! Obviously not! Oppa would never!"


"Your pancake."

"She's out of this," he'd made sure of that, besides he knew Eunha wouldn't ruin such a big opportunity for him, the root of their bond was their ambition. "What about your assistant? Gummy bear or whatever."

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