Chapter 29

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then why did he fainted doc??" Mrs tan asked

"It's normal to suddenly went soft since he's pregnant"



Author: aiyahhh finally their first baby🙏🙏

"What???" Mrs tan spoke, she wanted it to hear clearly

"Congratulations ma'am, your Son is 3 days pregnant"

"How?!" Mrs Shion was shocked by the news!!!




"Ethan Tan, when did you do it?" Mrs tan ask him

because ethan is still young and still going to school, and this news making her feeling like a bad mother

"Before he got into an acci..." Ethan Spoke, he was dumbfounded on the spot when he heard the word 'pregnant' and started to cry helplessly in his mother's arms

"Don't worry ma'am, it's his first mood swings so please, bear some long patience" The doctor reminded her

"Y-Yeah, thank you doc" Mrs Shion Thank the doctor because mrs tan is busy calming ethan

"Well then, i better be going. i still got patients after all, goodbye"The doctor spoke then left the room

"Ethan...." Mrs Shion spoke when suddenly ethan interrupt her

"I'm not keeping the baby."

"W-What?? ethan are you sure?? you need to think it wisely" Mrs Tan spoke and mrs shion nod

"Agatha's right, before finalizing your decision think of it twice since it is levi and your's child"

"Okay.." Ethan agreed, because before he blurt out his thoughts, he didn't think about what will the other's half will felt when he knows that he abort their child

"then since you're okay now, I'll go back to levi. see ya around agatha and ethan" Mrs Shion spoke then exit the room

"mama...what should i do.. i-" Ethan spoke then he broke into tears in his mother's arms

"shh don't cry... mama is always here by your side, and i will support all your decisions for yourself okay??" Mrs tan sooth him and hug this pitiful man tightly in his arms

"thank you ma" ethan whispered and hugged her tightly

"anything for my only son"


Mrs shion return to Levi's room and sit in the sofa inside the spacious room

"How is he mom?" Levi ask as he murmured, hoping his mother wont notice his fake acting

"he's fine"

"that's good to hear"

"where's Tiffany?" mrs shion asked while looking around the room

"she needs to go to school dear, the driver drove her already" Mr Shion spoke, flipping the pages of a book in his hands

"oh alright"

a minutes later, the doctor entered the room saying he needs to perform a check up on levi, and levi just nod with agreement

"Levi, it seems that there's no damage in your body, your brain is only affected but by few days you can go home" the doctor explained grinning, happy for them

of course, levi was so happy about it

Mrs shion thanked the doctor before he left

"Ethan, let's go home. angel is waiting alone" Mrs Tan spoke and ethan just agreed

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