Chapter 18

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1 Day left before Christmas! (Christmas Eve)
Another chapter ✨

"Levi, you there?" Ethan spoke, confused,

"Erm, weird. Last time he's always clinging to me" Ethan spoke in his mind, not used to this quiet levi

Ethan left the comfort room and walk outside to look for levi and he see his jacket that Ethan let Levi to hold,

Ethan feel nervous, He go outside the mall walking towards the parking lot, feeling anxious,

Ethan see the car is still there but Levi is gone. So he walk inside the mall thinking that Levi just buy something, but no. then enter the Comfort room of the mall, thinking maybe Levi used comfort room too?, trying to call Levi but he's not answering maybe he run out of batteries? But no. It's been 30 minutes and Levi was still gone!,

"where's Levi? Did something happened?!" Ethan spoke on himself, Calling Mrs Tan and was about telling what happened to  Levi,


Brrrr (phone sound)



"Ma!" Ethan spoke feeling nervous, don't know what to do, He's in the verge of crying, 🥺

"Yeah?, Did something happened?" Mrs Tan spoke,

"Ma, I think Levi got kidnapped!" Ethan shouted, Tears are starting to roll down his cheeks,

"What?, Ethan calm down. You're triggering your heart. I'm coming and And I also go with Vannesa, calm down okay? Levi's gonna be okay" Mrs Tan spoke as she rushed to the closet, changing into new clothes comforting Ethan who is now crying on the mall he won't lose control, (because he got traumatized of what his father did, but he need to pretend that he didn't know what his father did to him)

"I'm trying ma!, But It's been 30 mins w-when I lose him." Ethan spoke, lips are trembling,

"Don't worry we're coming"

"Faster ma!"


Ethan hung up the phone, feeling hs mind are gonna explode because of overthinking. pulling his hair, leaning to the car as he sit to the ground and low his head crying without sound, (😭)

15 mins later,



"Ethan where are you?" Mrs Tan spoke,

"P-Parking lot..." Ethan spoke  voice are trembling because of crying,

"Ethan!" Mrs Tan shouted as she see someone was sitting on the ground,

"Ma!" Ethan shouted as he heard Mrs Tan voice,

"Aunty!" Ethan shouted too feeling nervous, don't know how to explain,

Mrs Tan and Mrs Shion Walk towards Ethan who just got up,

"What happened?" Mrs Tan spoke,

"M-Ma... Aunty I-"

"Ethan, Don't worry, it's not your fault. I'm not mad" Mrs Shion spoke making Ethan feel relieved so he is,

"We just go to the bathroom and- he disappeared!" Ethan spoke hands are shaking,

"Do you have any idea who is it Vannesa?" Mrs Tan spoke as she hugged Ethan,

"I think I know who it is" Mrs Shion spoke as she clench his fist tightly,

"Do you know where is he aunty?!" Ethan spoke looking for hope,

"I-I'm not sure but-"

"Let's go!" Ethan spoke as she reached for Mrs Shion's hand,

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