Chapter 33 (A Chapter that should be posted on 2023 Christmas)

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How dare this author suddenly disappear for years .... I'm sorry because College has been challenging me and didn't have time to do my hobby and I'm here again to continue,
And to anyone who still read this book or looking forward to my upcoming books, Since Christmas is almost there, This author wants you to know that I love you all so much and You deserve to be loved. Now, let me continue the story

"About what levi sweetie??" mrs shion spoke, seems like she hears Levi's saying

"ohhh uhh ma.. i thought you went back to sleep haha..." levi spoke awkwardly scratching his head

"No I didn't, honey. what is it you wanted to ask?" Mrs shion spoke putting her two arms together while seeping her cold tea

"Oh, umm.. Ma, I just want to ask about me and Levi's engagement" levi ask, scratching the back of his head and moving his eyes everywhere to avoid his mother's eye contact

"Oh, It's the two of you's promised, I can't tell you the exact situation, but all I know is...."


The cute young Levi, who is looks like a hero to every kid, everytime he sees someone got bullied, he always stands up for them, he never lose any fights, so all the bullies are afraid of him.

Then there's a day, when the little levi is shopping with his mom, there's a disaster happened. since the bullies cannot defeat him, they targeted the one who are close to levi. His only friend- "Ethan".

They pick on ethan those little wreck hands landed on Ethan's arms and cheeks, how can a 1 kid fight to a 4, they also make Ethan to eat the sand on the playground that almost choke him to death- if mrs shion did not came.

author: I know what everyone feels 😇

When mrs shion came with levi beside her, seeing the bad state of his best friend causes trauma and anger on him, He run towards the 4 naughty brats and mrs shion stop him, letting him to control his self

When he came back to senses, mrs shion holds little ethan who passed out because of crying too much, and then mrs tan runs towards them, seeing her one and only son in that state, making the Ice cream on her hands drop to hold his son

"V-Vannessa, what happened!!" Mrs tan ask as she tries to wake up ethan
then with a tap on his cheeks, he wakes up and cry on his mother's arms, mrs tan holds him tighter and tries to calm him down, that time levi is also crying because he cannot take revenge to those brats he is blaming himself , because of him that happened to ethan

"So That's how he promised to himself to marry this boy and protect him forever"


"Yes levi?"

"I'm going to marry him"

"Ohh oka- wait what?!..."

"Marry ethan, protect him"

"but honey" Mrs shion spoke as she knelt down holding Levi's hands

"when you marry someone, you must love them with all your heart" mrs shion spoke pinching her son's cheeks



"I like him"

"You like-"

"Yes ma and I love him and I-"

"okay sweetheart we get it"

~dingggg! back to the present~

"That's how it is Levi, you wanted to protect that man all the time" mrs shion explained,

while Tiffany, who is still listening, smiled in the corner of her room and go back to her bed

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