Gojo is the root of all evil, change my mind.

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A/N: Kamui. Obito just wants to know who's stealing all his shit.


Immediately after Kakashi landed, he fell.

Hm, Kakashi thought as he looked at the ground that he face planted onto, the floor is very interesting.

He wasn't even joking. Sure, dark grey might not be the most popping of colors, but the way it was constructed was just plain weird. There were no breaks in it, looking almost like polished stone or metal, but feeling like a plastic.

This made him question what his surroundings looked like.

The curiosity was too much for him to ignore it, and as much as he would have liked to just fall asleep right then and there, he knew from experience that it would poke at his mind over and over again until he checked it out.

Shifting his head took no small amount of effort, forcing him to use all of his energy just for one insubstantional movement. Oh he was tired. Why couldn't he just fall asleep? Ugh...

When his tired and blurry eyes finally focused on what was infront of him, Kakashi found that he couldn't bring himself to care all that much about how he probably changed dimensions again. He was too tired for such frivolous things such as 'alarm' and 'confusion'.

The sky was a pitch black, no stars in sights to lighten it up. That was what first tipped him off. Not to mention the giant-ass cubes that seemed to populate the new... dimension.

No. He was not awake enough to deal with that.

Decision made and curiosity satisfied (yet not; was this where Minato-sensei went when he did Hiraishin?), Kakashi dropped his head down onto the floor, almost immediately falling asleep.

One moment, Kakashi was in a deep sleep, and the next, he was aware of all the aches and pains of his body. Specifically headaches. Ow. Why did he have to fall on his head?

Groaning, Kakashi slowly rolled over onto his back and braced himself against an oncoming migraine and decided that instead of moving, like an idiot, he would think instead. Because he had questions.

First: What was this place?

Second: What made him get here, verses all of the other times that he used the pinwheel.

Third: How does he even get out of there?

Fourth: Is this something he can use to get home?

Okay, first question first: It was a pocket dimension that could be accessed through his eye, (Kamui, the part of his brain that sounded like Obito said) and possibly the one that the Hiraishin used as well. Pretty simple; he had already figured that out even before he actually asked the question.

Now, what, exactly, made him go here instead of with his pups? Gojo. Gojo, gojo gojo. That was the only answer. It was all Gojo's fault. Why? Because the man was so miraculously annoying (wrong. Something about him was just fundamentally wrong and Kakashi couldn't stand it), even from a second-hand experience, that he broke the Laws of Uchiha and made him suddenly unlock a new ability.

Ok, so that was likely not the answer, but it was so satisfying to think it. But what did cause it? He was in a tree, trying to go to his kids using... Kamui, and he ended up here instead. It also used far more chakra than simply teleporting did. He looked at the floor some more, how it reflected his face back at him in an ugly way.

Wait. Oh. Was it...? No. God no. Please, please no. Gojo... He had a lighting affinity almost as strong as his own, didn't he? And... white chakra. Like a Hatake, though everything else about him was almost-but-not-quite. His scent wasn't one of a Hatake's, so likely not related to him in some way. But they had the same chakra.

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