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Look at you

You’re so alone

Don’t worry sweetheart

Because one day you’ll be so incredibly beautiful

That people will stop you on the street just to get a picture

But that time, it seems so far off doesn't it?

I could take you...if you wanted

Then you could see for yourself

But you have no interest

This thing you call depression has made you into a vegetable

Your parents are dead and you live by your lonesome

No one’s here to take care of you

We could change that in the snap of a finger

You call me out and say you don’t believe me

I might be the Fairy of Mischief but would I lie to you?

Of course I would!

But in this instance I want to help you

Get you to see that you’re not ready to die

I can show you the future!

All the things you have to live for

Just take my hand

And I’ll show you what you need to know

What you need to see

But you reply with a simple ‘no’

C’mon, don’t you want to know about your future with Nadia?

That girl has more beauty in the sparkle of her left eye

Than many people will encounter in their life

Maybe you’ll have beautiful children together

Don’t you want to stick around for that?

Your answer is still no because you know exactly what I’m doing

I have no real interest in you

Or your petty little problems

I’m just messing with you

Only because I’m doing my job

And that is to play with you humans

Toy with your minds until to scream for mercy

You call me a vulgar monster

But I’m not the only one with this profession though

I have sisters

But you know them not of their real names

But their personas

Love-she’s beautiful, blind and has no sense of humour

Lust-doesn’t look like Love, but there’s something that makes you want her, something that pulls you in

Envy-is the green eyes woman, rather than monster

Hate-gathers up every negative fibre in you, builds it up and uses it against you!

Wealth-showers you with gifts and opportunities, not always needed things, but she has a heart of gold

Health-plays with you in a way that none of us do, in secret almost

Death-is the most gorgeous and pure of us all

She lures you in and tricks you ny making you think that she’s harmless

And then there’s me

I screw around with their plans

Hide your left running shoe

And rip your favourite jeans

Through my never ending speech I’ve noticed something

You’re gone

I find you in the next room

You hang from a noose

A chair is tipped over and broken beneath your feet

Around you stand my sisters

They tell me that I got the wrong person

All of us killed the wrong boy

So, really, a plan almost never works out

Nothing is set in stone

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2011 ⏰

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