Put your story text here...I Miss You
I look down at the clock in my car
It's six p.m.
I'm on my way home from work
But I'm going home to nothing and no one
You see
My wife passed away recently
And we never got around to having children
Because we couldn't
Her name was Lilly
My wife
She was the moon
In my never ending night
Now all I see is darkness
And a world without love
I wish someone would put an end
To this misery that has been brought upon me
I loved her with all my heart
Lilly was everything
She made me feel like somebody
Not just another being on this planet
But some one
With a purpose
But since she's gone
My life means nothing
So I take my foot off the gas
And break as fast as I can
Everything is dark
But only for a second
Now I see Lilly
There she is
At the end of the light tunnel
Waving to me and laughing