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Jenessa's eyes fluttered open. She looked at the ceiling above her before remembering her visions. She sat up quickly and her movement caused Madam Pomfrey, her parents, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore to stir. Pandora and Niylah had been sent back to the Ravenclaw Tower to rest, although both girls tried to protest.

At her movement, James opened his eyes, "Nessie!" He called out before hugging her tightly and inadvertently causing everyone in the room to wake up

Nessa clung to her brother just as tightly as he was clinging to her, "We all died." She whispered hoarsely and her eyes welled up as she remembered all that see saw, "I saw it."

Euphemia and Fleamont moved so they were closer to the twins. Monty stood next to Nessa and put a hand on her shoulder while Mia sat behind James and cupped Nessa's cheek.

The younger Potter twin kissed the side of his sister's head as he comforted her, "How?"

"I saw mum and da dying from Dragon Pox. I saw Regulus's death again. I saw Peter and other Death Eaters killing Marlene and her entire family. Niylah and Dorcas were killed by you know who personally. At the same time, the Prewett twins were killed by five Death Eaters. You and Lily were murdered by Voldemort, leaving your son orphaned and Sirius gets blamed for selling you out and murdering Peter so he went to Azkaban but it was really Peter who sold you out. A few nights later, the Lestrange's and Barty Crouch Jr found Alice, Frank and I. They tortured us but I died and Alice and Frank got tortured into insanity. Mary erased her memories of the wizarding world. Pandora accidentally killed herself creating a spell in front of her daughter. 14 years after your murder, Sirius died due to Bellatrix. Emmeline died protecting an ambassador from you know who. 2 years after Sirius's death, Remus and his wife died in battle, leaving their son orphaned." Nessa explained, struggling to get the words out

"Remarkable." Dumbledore commented, drawing the attention to himself, "Tell me, dear girl. What is the extent of your power? You could help win the war."

"Albus! Ms. Potter's just a girl, she doesn't need to be concerned with helping win the war. No student does." McGonagall scolded

The Potter matriarch and patriarch turned and narrowed their eyes at the headmaster.

"Our daughter's health is the most important thing." Mia told him

Madam Pomfrey nodded, "Which is still needed to be examined." She remarked

The twins separated from their hug and the healer cast a spell to check if Nessa had any lasting issues from the visions, "Minus exhaustion, there doesn't seem to be any lasting issues." She announced, "However, as it is well known that seers have been known to lose their minds, I would like to meet with you every week to ensure you aren't pushing yourself, Ms. Potter."

Nessa nodded at the words of the matron however her focus was on the visions her mind kept playing.

Seeing her family and friends dead scared her. None of them deserved the fate that awaited them.

She decided then and there that she was going to do everything in her power to save them from their fates.

"I'll look in the family vault for something to help with your visions as well, little love." Monty told his daughter

"Don't forget to eat your share of breakfast, Ms. and Mr. Potter. Classes start today." Dumbledore told the twins as he left the hospital wing

The rest of the adults in the room scoffed. Mia and Monty hugged the twins one last time before they left the hospital wing to head to Dumbledore's office to have words with the man.

"Honestly." McGonagall and Pomfrey muttered in union

Nessa started to get up off the bed but James stopped her, "Where are you going?" He asked

"To get ready for classes." She told him tiredly

As James got ready to protest, Nessa turned to Madam Pomfrey, "Madam Pomfrey, do you happen to have an Invigorating Draught brewed and ready?" She asked

The matron nodded, "Yes dear." she confirmed and went into her office to get it

Once she came back and handed the potion to Nessa, she downed it all. She didn't feel a hundred percent afterwards but she didn't feel like she would fall asleep in class either.

The twins left the hospital wing soon after to go to their respective towers. They walked in silence, just enjoying each other's presence and the comfort it gave them.

The two went their separate ways in order to get ready for classes.

In the Ravenclaw Tower, Nessa opened the door to her dorm. She saw Niylah and Pandora finishing up getting ready. The two girls turned their heads and both of them had relieved smiles on their faces.

"We were so worried." Niylah said as she went to hug the Seer

"What did Madam Pomfrey say about your health?" Pandora asked as she joined the hug

Nessa didn't say anything, she simply hugged her two best friends tightly. After a moment, she spoke, "I love you both so much." She told them

Over the Potter girl's shoulders, Niylah and Pandora exchanged a look of worry. While it wasn't unusual for Jenessa to express her love for her friends, however after the night she had, it could be.

"We love you too Nessa." Both girls replied in unison

The seer broke the hug and looked at her friends, "I'm going to freshen up. Wait for me?" She told them before moving to her destination


The first thing Regulus noticed was that Jenessa Potter looked tired. Even from his spot at the Slytherin table, he could see the evidence of a sleepless night.

"What are you staring at, mate?" Evan asked Regulus

"Nothing." The younger Black denied

Barty looked in the direction the Black heir was and scoffed, "Potter? You're looking at Potter?" He asked

Evan turned his head as well, "Which one?" He asked

Amycus scoffed, "The female Potter, obviously. The question is why are you looking at that blood traitor?"

Regulus shook his head, "I'm not looking at her." He lied

In truth, he had been looking at Jenessa Potter. He couldn't get what she said yesterday morning out of his head.

That he apparently was going to die.

He didn't want to die.

He was only 14 years old.

"Is that who you were looking at last night at the feast?" Barty asked

This caused several heads to turn in the youngest Black's direction.

"I'm trying to assess whether she's shagging Sirius. He already is a disgrace by being a Gryffindor, he doesn't need to add shagging a blood traitor as well." He lied again

The older boys nodded in understanding and soon enough left Regulus to his thoughts.

One way of another Regulus Arcturus Black was going to solve the mystery of what Jenessa Potter told him.


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