The girl with the pearl earing.

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Delaenla yawned as she held onto her uncle, cradled close in his lap, her head on his shoulder. The ride to drift mark was long, and she refused to make the trip without Aemond at her side. The wind was bitter and cold, Aemond kept her covered with his cloak, pressing her to his chest to keep her warm. The two of them had been close since Delaenla was born. The moment he held her for the first time he was struck with some sort of need to protect her, she was his even if no one else acknowledged it. Rhaenyra, her mother, hoped that this was a good thing for their families, but Alicent saw it as something evil trying to infiltrate into her life. Her son spent the majority of his time with Rhaenyra's bastard daughter, and she could not say one word about it without him hating her for it af⁷ter.
Delaenla slowly awoke from her sleep, lifting her head to look around the carriage. Alicent sat with Viserys, Aegon sat across from Helaena, and Helaena sat next to she and Aemond. She sat up properly in his lap, shivering softly as a gust of cold wind caught her. For such a well made carriage, it was rather aerated. 
“We are here.” Alicent said, a few minutes later the carriage came to a halt. She rose from her seat and took a few steps towards the door as it slowly was pulled open.
Aemond picked Delaenla up from his lap and placed her on the ground, he held her hand gently as he led her out of the carriage. The two walked side by side all the way to the great hall of drift mark. Corlys greeted them, Rhaenys by his side. Delaenla Ran to her grandmother, one of her most favorite people in the world. Rhaenys scooped her up in her arms. Finally she was out of that carriage.
As the day progressed, they all watched as Laena’s coffin was pushed into the sea, she stood with her brothers and mother, while her father stood off from them, watching distraught.
Aemond walked over to them, sitting next to Delaenla, they sat together as the funeral progressed, Aemond eventually began talking. “What do you think of Vhagar?” He questioned.
“She is big, big and loud.” Delaenla complained, she wasn’t very fond of the dragon’s.
Aemond laughed, “it would be quite the spectacle if I were to ride her, do you not think?” He smiled down at her as she played with a small wooden doll he had carved for her.
Delaenla nodded her head, “yes very much so, no one would be ill-mannered towards you ever again.” 
“No they wouldn’t, would they….” Aemond trailed off, looking towards the rocky mount that the dragons had gathered on.

Later that night a guard came to her room, lifted her out of bed, accidently waking her up. She held onto him in her groggy state. When she finally began to register what was going on, she was entering the grand hall where her whole family stood, except her mother, father, grandparents, and great uncle Daemon. She looked between Aemond and her brothers, all of which were injured in some sort of way, Aemond receiving the worst of it.
“What is the meaning of this?” Corlys demanded as he stormed down stairs, Rhaenys quickly rushed to Baela and Rhaena a few moments later.
Rhaenyra soon entered the room with Daemon, she rushed to Jace and Luce. “Who did this?” Rhaenyra asked, gently touching Jace’s face, causing him to wince.
Aemond quickly pipped up, “they attacked me!”
Jace retorted quickly, “he tried to attack Baela!”
After that, the arguing began, everyone just began shouting at one another. Delaenla covered her ears, the noise becoming overwhelming.
Viserys sighed, he looked out upon them all, “enough.” He huffed, unanswered, he grew frustrated, “enough.” He repeated a second time, to no avail. “Silence!” He shouted in anger, gaining everyone’s attention.
“He called us bastards…” Jace whispered to their mother. Rhaenyra’s eyes widened, quickly putting herself in front of Jace and Luce, seemingly hiding them.
“Aemond, I will have the truth of what happened,” Viserys said as he hobbled over to his youngest son, “now.”
“What else is there to hear? Your son has been mainmed and her son is responsible.” Alicent began.
“Twas a regrettable accident,” Rhaenyra chimed in.
“Accident?” Alicent scoffed, “the Prince Lucerys brought a blade to the ambush, ment to kill my son.”
“It was my sons who were attacked, and forced to defend themselves.” Rhaenyra raised her voice, “vile insults were levied towards them.”
“What insults?” Viserys questioned.
Rhaenyra paused, “the legitimacy of my sons was put to question.” Rhaenyra replied, holding onto Luce’s hand.
“What?” Viserys said.
“He called us bastards.” Jace said, looking up at his mother. Aemond smirked slightly from the side lines.
“My sons are in line to inherit the iron throne, your grace. This is the highest of treasons.” Rhaenyra said, leaning forwards slightly. “Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders.” Rhaenyra's eyes narrowed in Alicent’s direction.
“Over an insult?” Alicent spoke up once more, “my son has lost an eye.”
“Tell me boy, where did you hear this lie?” Viserys questioned, Alicent began to speak, but Vierys spoke over her once again. “Aemond,” he sighed, “I asked you a question.”
“Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The boy's father?” Alicent said. “Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter.” She looked Rhaenyra up and down judgmentally.
“Yes.. Where is Ser Laenor?” Viserys asked.
“I do not know, your grace, I could not find sleep so i had gone out to walk.” Rhaenyra said as she rubbed Luce’s back.
“Entertaining his young squires I’d venture.” Alicent spoke the insult as if it were not one, gaining a small smirk from Criston.
“Aemond.. Look at me.” Viserys sighed, “your king demands an answer, who spoke these lies to you?” He observed him expectantly, Aemond looked to his mother. He followed Aemonds eyes, he turned back to him as Aemond began to speak.
“It was Aegon…” Aemond muttered.
“Me?” Aegon said, confused.
“And you, boy?” Viserys said as he hobbled over to Aegon. “Where did you hear such calumnies?” He paused, “Aegon!” He shouted in his face, “tell me the truth of it!”
Aegon remained silent for a moment, “we know, father…” He said quietly. “Everyone knows.” He looked over to the boys. “Just look at them.”
The room settled into an uncomfortable silence, Delaenla still remained in the guards arms, she struggled softly so that he would put her down. She walked over to Aemond, she looked up at him, he quickly lifted her into his lap.
“This interminable infighting must cease!” Viserys shouted through clenched teeth. “All of you!” He huffed, “we are family!” Viserys’ voice cracked slightly, “now make your apologies and show good will to one another.. Your father, your grandsire, your king demands it!”He said as he banged his cane on the floor. He began to hobble away, when he passed Alicent, she stepped forwards and spoke.
“That is insufficient.” She said sorrowfully, “Aemond has been damaged permanently, My king. Goodwill cannot make him whole.” 
“I know Alicent,” Viserys sighed. “But I cannot restore his eye.”
“No, because it has been taken.” She said,
“What would you have me do?” Viserys scoffed.
“There is a debt to be paid.” Alicent said solemnly. “I will have one of her son's eyes in return.”
“My dear wife-” 
“He is your son, Viserys, your blood.” Alicent teared up, her voice cracking. 
“Do not, allow your temper to guide your judgment.” 
“If the King will not seek justice, the Queen will.” Alicent took a deep breath. “Ser Criston… Bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon.”
“Mother!” Luce screamed as he hid behind Rhaenyra.
“He can choose which eye to keep, a privilege he did not grant my son.” Alicent said.
“You will do no such thing.” Rhaenyra snapped.
“Stay your hand.” Viserys shouted to Criston.
“No! You are sworn to me!” Alicent called out to him.
Ser Criston stared at Alicent in shock. “As your protector, my Queen…” Ser Criston said taking a step back.
“Alicent. This matter is finished. Do you understand?” Viserys said sternly. “And let it be known. Anyone who’s tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra’s children, should have it removed.”
“Thank you, father.” Rhaenyra uttered, hugging Luce to her hip.
Alicent stood defeated, as Viserys began to walk away Alicent snatched his blade, and made her way over to Rhaenyra and the boys, screaming erupted around the room, mainly Luce as he screamed in fear. Delaenla screamed as well, terrified of what was going on. Alicent swung her hand back, but Rhaenyra caught it holding her in a stalemate.
“You’ve gone too far!” Rhaenyra cried. 
“I? What have I done but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law.” Alicent rambled. “While you flout all to do as you please!”
“Alicent, let her go!” Viserys shouted at her.
“Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? It's trampled under your pretty foot again!”
“Release the blade, Alicent.” Otto spoke calmly, holding his hand out towards her.
“And now you take my son's eye, and even that you feel entitled.” Alicent cried out.
“Exhausting, wasn't it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness.” Rhaenyra scoffed, “but now they see you as you are…” She whispered to her.
Alicent swung the blade, slicing Rhaenyra's forearm open. She staggered back, being caught by Corlys Velaryon. Alicent dropped the blade, staring at the scene in front of her.
Aemond stepped forward, holding Delaenla in his arms. “Do not mourn me, mother. It was a fair exchange.” He rubbed Delaenla's back gently. “I may have lost an eye... but I gained a dragon.”
The room went silent again for a few moments, Rhaenyra staring at Aemond as he held her daughter, the sight causing her stomach to twist into an anxious naught. 
“This proceeding is at an end.” Viserys said to Alicent.
Aemond walked over, leaning his head onto his mothers shoulder. Alicent gently stroked his back, still distraught. 
“Aemond” Rhaenyra said, “you shall return to me my child. Now.” She said, her heart feeling as if it were going to burst through her chest.
Aemond stared at her, “Dela is scared, she wished to remain by my side.”
“I do not care, return to me my daughter this instant.” Rhaenyra raised her voice.
Delaenla looked between the two, “mother… I’m tired…” She murmured, rubbing her eyes.
Rhaenyra walked over, she held out her arm which Delaenla gladly gripped onto, Aemond sighed and let Delaenla climb from his arms into her mother.
The next morning she sat in the garden, Daemon watched her intently, making sure she was safe. When Aemond began to slowly approach, Daemon stood up. He watched as Aemond slowly stepped towards Delaenla. He sat next to her, watching as she pulled grass out of the ground.
“I’ve made you something.” Aemond whispered, glancing at Daemon.
“Me?” She smiled at him, pulling her knees to her chest.
He nodded, he pulled something out from his pocket. “Here you are…” He handed her a new small wooden figure, this one of her mother. “I spent all night on it, as an apology… I’m sorry if you were afraid.”
Delaenla took the figurine and smiled, she flung herself at him, hugging him tightly. “I’m never afraid if you’re there.” She said as he hugged her tightly.

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