The garden of Earthly delights

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The next fortnight was what Delaenla imagined all seven hells were like at once, mainly because her mother continuously demanded to be told what had happened. Delaenla couldn't say it out loud, she and Jace had not even spoken of it since.

Aemond on the other hand dotted upon her every need, his behavior had done a complete turn around. He was almost always by her side, she was not allowed to open a door he insisted on opening them for her, he would be there every morning when she woke up, and every night before she went to sleep, complimenting her, whispering sweet nothings to her. It was a dream come true.

It was her name day, Alicent had planned a major celebration, the biggest one they had ever had. Alicent just continued to repeat how she would only turn fifteen once and that it needed to be perfect. She appreciated all of the effort, over the past weeks Alicent had been so warm and welcoming. When she wasn't with Aemond she was with Alicent or her actual family.

Alicent placed the headpiece on Delaenla gently, she did not want to ruin her hair. She slowly backed up, with a smile. "You look absolutely lovely." She said as she placed her hands on her shoulders.

"Do you believe so?" Delaenla smiled, admiring herself in the mirror. "Do you think Aemond will like it?"

"I do, what about that boy, Rylon? He seems rather infatuated with you my dear." Alicent said as she sat on the divan in the room.

"Rylon is my closest friend, I admit I had a small crush on him back as a child, but I do not feel that way any longer." She shrugged, she stood up and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

Alicent smiled and stood up, taking her arm in hers.

The feast was tremendous, there were so many people who had attended and she didn't realize why until she heard a few men talking about gaining her hand in marriage. It made her sick thinking about any other man trying to win her, like a prize. She sat at the Targaryen-Velaryon table bored out of her mind, she was picking at her food when a voice called out.

"Princess Delaenla, my name is Donovan Blackwood, son of Samwell Blackwood, may I ask for your hand in this dance?" A boy around her age spoke.

She smiled softly, "I would be delighted." She said as she stood up, she walked over to him and took his hand. She could feel Aemond's eyes burning into the back of her skull as she walked down the steps with Donovan. He was handsome, with fluffy brown hair, a defined jaw, deep blue eyes, and seemingly perfect skin aside from a scar on his left cheek.

When they reached the floor, he took one of her hands in his and let his free hand drift to her waist. When the song began, his grip on her tightened slightly, he spun around with her, just admiring her beauty. "You're very beautiful." He smiled, "I'm sure you're intelligent as well. As a princess of the realm."

She smiled softly, her cheeks turning pink. For something she was so used to hearing, it still made her giddy every time someone said it. "Thank you, my lord." She smiled softly.

"Oh please," he laughed, "Lord Blackwood is my father, just call me Donovan." He gave a sweet smile.

"Donovan... I like that name." She smiled softly.

They danced together for over an hour, she was having such a good time, it had to be her best name day yet. Considering this one wasn't just with the staff and her family at dragon stone.

Aemond stared at them angrily, sipping his wine. "Who even is he? Some sort of minor Lord?" He scoffed.

"He's a Blackwood. He's of high status, somewhat." Clarissa laughed, she leaned in and whispered to him, "won't be surprised if he fucks her tonight... He's known for getting his way with women." She snickered. "Plus, why do you care? You have me."

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