Reconciliation with brother

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A year had passed. And Y/N and I were happy. I just came home after visiting my mother and my son immediately ran towards me, immediately I took him in my arms.
"Hello little man. I missed you."
I planted a kiss on his head and tickled him. Tom Jonathan loved that.
"What's going on here?", wondered
Y/N when she came to me.
"We're just playing." I laughed and kissed her.
That evening I was making a cup of tea for Y/N and myself when my wife came into the kitchen with our son in her arms.
"Someone wants to say good night to you, papa."
I kissed my son on the forehead.
"Good night my little darling. Sleep tight. I love you."
Y/N put Tom Jonathan to bed and I went into the living room, after a few minutes Y/N came to me. She sat down on our sofa and I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Yes, dear?"
"I organized a meeting with Tom."
"Even though I said I don't want anything to do with him anymore, I kinda miss him. After all, he's still my twin brother."
"I understand you. I would feel the same way. Besides, I think it's time to forgive him. He certainly learned from his mistakes."
"It's also important to me that he sees his nephew at least once. We named our son after him."
"That's correct."
We spent the next 2 hours just cuddling until I heard Y/N yawn.
"Are you tired darling?"
"A little honey."
"Then I'll put you to bed."
I picked her up and carried Y/N to the bedroom, laying her on the bed and snuggling up to her.
"Good night darling. Sleep well."
"Good night darling. You too."
We fell asleep peacefully.
Two weeks later was the meeting with Tom.
"Hello brother." I said.
"Hello Tom," Y/N uttered.
"Hello you two.", we were greeted by Tom.
There was silence for 5 minutes before Tom started talking.
"I have to apologize to you. To you Y/N for everything I've done to you and to you Bill because I desperately wanted you to be something you never were and never will be. I have a lot of time in here to think and learned from my mistakes." Tom explained.
"That's very generous of you brother. We're willing to forgive you if you wish." I said and Y/N nodded. Tom smiled.
"Who is that?" Tom wanted to know and pointed to our son.
"This is your nephew. Tom Jonathan Kaulitz. We named him after you," Y/N replied with a smile.
"May I hold him in my arms?" Tom asked with tears in his eyes.
"Of course you can," I replied in a soft voice.
Y/N put little Tom in his arms.
"Hello my little one. I'm your uncle. My name is Tom too.", my brother spoke softly.
"Tommy." I heard our son say.
Tom started crying.
"He said Tommy," my brother cheered.
Eventually it was time to go, Y/N had already gone out with Tom Jonathan.
"Yes, Tom?"
Tom smiled at me. I went to Y/N and we headed home. I had made up with my brother, I was happy and living a happy life with my wife Y/N and son Tom Jonathan.

The end

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