002 Communal Area

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CHAPTER TWO . Communal Area

     Peace and Quiet

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Peace and Quiet.

     No work, no errands to run, no obligations. Lounging around in pyjamas with a blanket on the sofa watching Hugh Grant movies back to back until she falls asleep, also known as: the ideal lazy day. The best (and only) way to start a complete day of doing absolutely nothing? A cup of tea. She even had a packet of custard creams hidden behind the microwave.

(A new reminder had been made: Damon Albarn is a thief.)

     She fantasised about the lack of commitments as she waited for the water to boil. Complete bliss, staying inside despite the sun shining and ignoring everything in the world for twenty four hours. It couldn't get any more perfect than that.

     Summer had always been her least favourite season. The uncomfortable heat and deadly humidity, school's breaking up meant that kids infected the streets, and the sudden rise in the population of insects. Not to mention that everyone else was so happy - It was awful, how anyone found joy in such an awful three months was beyond comprehension.

     She was a winter girl through and through. Enjoying the dark nights and freezing cold - she was of the unpopular opining that the melancholy of it all was soothing.

     The sun was lighting up the kitchen, casting the shadow of the window frame along the walls. Usually, the heat was only a cruel reminder that she had to wear professional attire and sweat in a stuffy office all day. However, today it brought her comfort and she closed her eyes to bask in the warmth. Very poetic - romanticising the weather and the pathetic fallacy of it all.

     Usually, the pouring English rain matched her general mood better but not today.

     Except it wasn't peaceful for long.

She had thought the coast was clear when she passed the bathroom and heard the water running. Usually, she was thankful for his quick showers - it was one of the very few good things about him . . . apart from that, he was a nuisance. Never once did she have to bang on the door in the morning with the time ticking as she slowly became late for work.

     The same couldn't be said for her, admittedly she was notorious for her long showers.

     She had a lot to do! Wash her hair, scrub her body, sing along dramatically to Kate Bush - you have to do the voice, and if she had work then she would let the pouring water wipe away her tears. She would also say shave, but she only did that when she knew she needed to. Otherwise, fuck that.

     After a couple of incidents of bad timing ("couple" being a slight understatement) Damon now made her notify him, "before she decided to spend a fucking eternity in the bathroom" - his words. Sorry not everyone treats personal hygiene as a race - probably doesn't even use shower gel, she bitterly thought despite him always smelling good.

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