Chapter 6

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Bryan and Chase were walking around the forest. "You know, we should name this place. How about Forestia." Said Chase. "I like it." Said Bryan. Chase was riding a horse while Bryan was walking. Chase stopped and Bryan continued for a while. Bryan sat down. "Nosotras somos una con los árboles. My mom used to always say that. I never knew what it meant. My dad said Nosotros somos uno con los árboles." Said Chase. Bryan sat down and started throwing rocks. Hunter was nearby. Bryan threw a rock up into the air. It landed straight on Hunters head. Hunter looked at Bryan. Bryan started to get up, but after that, he didn't move a muscle. "If you didn't run all over the place when the fireworks went off it would've been perfect." Said Chase. He ran away. Bryan started to run after Chase, only to barely get anywhere because of Snow. Hunter jumped onto Bryan. Hunter bit Bryan's hand, not to make him bleed, bit still dealt pain. Hunter got off of him. This meant war.

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