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Mephone woke up. It was kind of early, but Bow was still up earlier than him. He stood up and rubbed his eyes out of exhaustion. He went to the private bathroom of him and Bow's shared bedroom, and stared at himself at the mirror. God, he still didn't get that scribble off of him, huh? He tried a few attempts to erase it, but failed. Maybe it won't be that bad, they're the only two objects in the hotel anyway.

He exited the bathroom and went towards the door, ready to start his day. He twisted the door knob to open it. It didn't budge.

He tried again. The door still didn't open. He continuously twisted the doorknob. Still didn't open. He groaned, knowing what this could be about. "Bow! What is this now?!" He yelled.

He could hear giggling from outside the room. "You'll see! Just wait." He rolled his eyes and sat on his bed. Did she really have to do this now?.. Maybe he could just wait, there's nothing better to do anyway.

"You can come out now!" She shouted. Mephone stood up and went towards the door. He exited the room, just to see it was pitch black outside the room. The only light was his blue screen. "Ugh..Bow..why is it so dark?" He asked. "Nothing. Let's go downstairs, you've got your own light anyway."

They both went downstairs, still being dark. "..Is there a brown out or something..?" He asked again. This time, she didn't reply. "Uh, Bow..?" He called out. He couldn't see, or hear her anymore. "Bow, get back here." He spoke with worry.

Suddenly, the lights came back, with a bunch of confetti bursting out of nowhere. Alot of balloons were floating around the lobby. He saw Bow standing infront of him, with a birthday hat on. He also felt like he had one on too. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She cheered happily. Mephone, confused, looked around his surroundings. What does this mean..?

"Birthday..?" Who's birthday was it? He didn't know. "Uhh, isn't it yours?" She asked. "June 24, remember?" Right..he didn't even remember his own birthday. His confused expression slowly changed into a warm smile. "Hah.. thanks, Bow." 

"Yay!" She cheered happily. "I've also got you a gift!" She handed out a piece of paper, with a drawing on it.

 "I've also got you a gift!" She handed out a piece of paper, with a drawing on it

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Mephone was surprised. He didn't know she would improve THIS quickly. But also thankful. Really, he didn't think someone would actually remember AND celebrate his birthday, he doesn't even remember his own. He was amused to see she also added the scribble on his face. It was a nice touch.

Just before he could say anything, Bow held his hand and led him to the dinner table, and saw she prepared a cake. He really didn't expect this to happen. "..Bow..you didn't have to do this.." 

He sat down and looked at his surroundings. It was a surprise to see someone as small as her prepare all of this. The decorations were really nice, he wondered how she prepared all of this in one night. Say..where'd she get all of this from? "Where'd you get all of this?" He asked.

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