Mermaid (Ch 3)

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-just a reminder when I use (this font) it means it's them talking in there head!-


You walk in the cold room and Professor Snape is at his desk reading a book. "Hello..Professor." You said crossing your arms hoping for some heat. He puts his book down and looks over at you. "Hello y/ to finish your detention?" He said already grabbing the same quill and paper from last time. You nodded and sat down at the same desk with a shiver though out your body which was very noticeable.

Snape handed you the paper and quill and looked at your body. He got up and grabbed a thick black blanket and handed it to you. "Here have this. Can't have you freezing to death." He said meaning your body is weak. You thanked him and wrapped the warm,soft blanket around you and started to write down your words.

You finished your words and handed it to him with the blanket he gave you. "Thanks for the blanket again." You said with a small grin. He took the paper and look at it and nodded and pointed at the door.

You walked out and headed to your dorm for some sleep. You sit down on your bed and put your note book under your bed and look at the ceiling for a bit.

"Why has Snape been so nice to me? Madam Pomfrey said he was worried about me...he gave me a blanket when i was cold....he's never that nice. Maybe he's changed? No,no he yelled at me and gave me a week's detention...then..what is it?"

You sighed and closed your eyes for some sleep.

Around 20 minutes later you woke back up. You groaned and decided to go outside and walk around. You get up and put some dark green slippers on and walked down the halls to the castle doors. You made it out and walked over to the inky water and sat on the dock. Kicking your feet over the water,watching the water shimmer in the moonlight.. it was so peaceful. Even though there is evil mermaids that can pull you down into the water snd drown you. That made you shudder. You pulled your legs back and sag crisscrossed instead.

There was a sneeze from behind you and you turned around to see Professor Snape sitting on a bench behind you. "P-Professor!" You said quickly standing up. "Hello..y/n..mind telling me why your out here this late at night..?" He said calmly. The way he said made his wanted to drool and beg for his attention from how attractive his voice was at the time. You shook your head and played with your fingers. "Uh...I couldn't I..uh...I came here instead." You said nervously looking down. "I see." He put his head back and you sat back down.

There was a small pulling on your shirt and then.. a loud splash. A mermaid pulled you into the water and Snape looked up and ran over to the dock and looked down into the water and saw you being pulled down slowly. "Fuck..I hate mermaids." He quickly took of his cloak and shirt and jumped into the water. He new how to swim pretty well without a potion. He saw the mermaid pulling you and you were trying your hardest to kick it and such. Nothing worked. Your vision went blurry and your oxygen dropped.

Snape grabbed his wand when he got close enough and hit it and grabbed you pulling you up to the surface. He was panicking..hoping you weren't dead. You were one of his favorite students and he also didn't want people to think he killed you.

He used his wand around two times and then you choked up so water and began to breath again. He pushed his sloppy hair back and picked you up and sat you on a bench. You opened your eyes and saw Snape. You looked down some and noticed his rather muscular figure. The layers he had on and cloak just covered it and people thought he was just skinny. You blushed slight and couldn't take your eyes of his body. You looked up and saw him looking at you.

"Are you alright?" He asked. You nodded and glanced back down at his figure. " don't tell anyone..about this...understood?" He said in his low tone.

He was even hotter when he talked like tact shirtless.. and honestly his voice was just hot in general. You shook your head. "Y-yes Professor...thanks." You said as he got up to put his shirt and cloak back on.

Do I have feelings for my professor..? Oh my god...I do..his voice...and his face and body...and his started to wonder what else was large in that case. You got up and cover your face and ran back to the castle to change and write in your diary.

"Dear diary. Today I was almost killed by some damn mermaids but..Professor snape was with me and he saved me.. he sat me on a bench and he was shirtless!! Oh god just thinking about his body..instant turn on. Anyways..I think I like my professor and I don't want to be without him..his silky voice and body..his large hands and his face..he's so handsome..I honestly want to know how big it is.. but..I need some rest after all of that.. so Gn!"

You put your diary in your backpack and fell asleep instantly.

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