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You woke up at your normal time and got dressed. You looked around and saw that your friends were gone. You assumed that they were in the great hall.

You thought about putting on a robe..but you decided you were going to put on a white top with a green tie and a soft white skirt. You smiled. I hope Snape likes it. You quickly gather your diary and books and put it in your backpack and tan down to the great hall.

You sat down where you normally did next to Sid and Peyton and Bella across from you. "Is anyone else excited for the winter ball?" Bella asked. Bella is normally very dressy and loves dances and going places. Sid and Peyton nodded and talked about it while you were eating your breakfast. You took a glance at the professor table and saw that Snape wasn't there. You began to worry and quickly finished your food. "Hey I'll be back sorry!" You said as you sped walked out of the great hall. "Oh ok, see you later!"

You nodded and once you got out of the great hall you started running into down the hallway to the Potions room. You knocked on the door and a deep voice answered. "Come in." You opened the door a smiled with relief when you saw Snape sitting at his desk reading a book. "Early again,hm?" He said not looking up from his book. You nodded. "Yes professor,I normally come to class early."  He nodded slowly and sat his book down. You unpacked your stuff and started to doodle random things small snakes little mushrooms,trees.

You were bored after a while and you still had 10 minutes till class started. You looked around at the potions and books. Then something caught your eye. There was a ink spill under Snape's desk. "Oh..uh..professor?" You said nervously. "Hm?" He hasn't looked up from his book yet and it was starting to think he was ignoring you. "There's a ink spill under your desk." He looked under his desk. He groaned and grabbed a towel and started to clean it up.

You smiled knowing you could help and daydreamed for a while.

You in the class room and Snape making you kneel in front of him. He caressed your cheek and forcefully made you open your mouth and he put his-

"Y/N!!" Snape yelled. You snapped back into reality. "Y-yes Professor!" You stood up straight and your diary fell over that you had on your desk. "Class has started,Get. your. textbooks. out." He commanded. His voice..when he yelled..when he scolds's so...mysterious.. You pulled your textbook out and started taking notes like the rest of the class.

Snape opened a certain so he could see for a certain task. He got up and stood in front of a chalk board. The December sunlight was very cooling to you. You started to slow down with your notes and look at his body instead..

The sunlight hit his member perfectly giving the outline of it. You covered your mouth and looked down. You nearly gasped at the size. Your face started to heat up and you blushed hard.

You tried your best to continue studying but after what you just saw? Impossible. did what you wanted. You grabbed some paper and a pencil and started drawing a picture of him nude.

You pictured every little detail and you shut your book when you finished. Snape and the other students also finished and we were all about to pack up. You started grabbing your things you had on your desk. Your notebook your books everything. You walked out of class for lunch feeling very happy about what happened.


Your friends were talking about boys and who's the ugliest and the sexist etc.. you sat down and grabbed some food and just..zoned out for a few seconds. "Are you in y/n?" Sidney asks you tapping your shoulder. You jump a little. "Huh? What?" You look confused and they all giggled. Bella looks over at you.

"We're playing a game tonight where we put all the boys names in a hat and we pull them out and rate how good looking they are. And when we mean all of them..we mean all of them. 1st years to professors." She smiled proudly. You nod. "Yea I'll play." You say playing with your food. "Yay!" She squeezed your shoulder.


its late at night and your all sitting in Bella's bed with a hat in the middle. "Ok who's first?" Bella asked looking at all of us. Peyton said that she would and she grabbed a paper from the hat. "Draco Malfoy. And he gets a.. 5" bella said a 2 Sidney said a 0 you and you said a 7. Sid smiled at your response and pulled from the hat. "Cedrick." She smiled. "He gets a 8." She smiled and blushed a little. Peyton said a 1 Bella said a 6 and you said a 3." It was Bella's turn and she pulled one. "Harry Potter." She rolled her eyes. "He thinks he's so special he gets a 0." Peyton and Sidney agreed with 0 and looked over at you. You said you give him a 8. They smiled. "Ooooh~" you rolled your eyes and pulled into the hat grabbing one. "Fred Weasley...7." You smiled and the other agreed.

It was back to Peyton and she pulled the first professor. "Eww..Snape." She said. They all gave him a 0 then looked over at you again. "Uh..yea 0!" You said smiling awkwardly. They nodded.

You sighed. "Hey I'm going to go to bed." They nodded and started to put away the game. "Oh wait you guys can still play!" You said as you gathered your things. "No it's ok! It's not as fun without you."

You smiled as she said that and left to go to your bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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