The Day the SPW randomly selected you to babysit 11 villans

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Your alarm woke you up as usual, and you grunted and stretched. Rolling out of bed, you gave a groan as you got ready for work. You worked at a coffee shop, serving grumpy old men, teens who thought they were so funny, and middle aged women who would blame you for all the world's wrongs if you dared get their order wrong. It sucked, but hey, you needed the money. Leaving your tiny apartment, you started to walk to work, through the crowds of people bustling on the pavements. You ate your breakfast- an apple- on the go, and stopped to drop the core into a bin.
Wait... What? If you weren't mistaken, it sounded like that meow came from inside the bin!

You pulled the lid off the bin, to see a skinny street cat inside it.
"Poor kitty! Who put you in here?" You said, feeling miserable tha some lowlife could throw a living creature in the rubbish like that. There was no way that the cat could've gotten in here by itself, so you took it upon yourself to fish it out. On your way to work you stopped by the animal shelter- luckily, it was a no-kill shelter- and dropped it off.
"There you go, you'll be safe here." You said as you headed off to work. You didn't know that there was a tiny camera clipped to the cat's collar- or that there were people watching you from the other side.

Meanwhile, in a secret facility:
"She'll be perfect. She took time out of her day to help a less fortunate soul, without expecting a reward."
"I'm glad to see that the cat test worked, agent Jimothy."
"Where is she now?"
"The Bean Bazaar coffee shop on main street."
"She's the one. She'll be perfect for the job! Go and get her."

Your lunch break came, after several agonising hours of being bossed around and yelled at (according to one man, it was apparently your fault that the store hadn't invented a coffee that tasted of beer.) You sat down in the staff room to eat your sandwich, when your manager walked in.
"There's a phone call for you, y/n." He said, handing you the phone.
"Hello?" You asked.
"Hi, we're with that shelter you stopped by to drop off the cat. We'd like you to pop down so we can ask you a few questions."
"Sure!" You said, hanging up and finishing your meagre lunch. You set off down the road, looking for the shelter- when suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed you, and bustled you into a van!

"Hey, let me go!" You screamed, thrashing around in terror.
"Y/n l/n, I'm proud to tell you that you- yes, you- have been selected by the SPW for our Villain Rehabilitation Programme!" The man in the driver's seat announced.
"The Villain Rehabilitation Programme is a scheme in which villains are offered a second chance,to become better people. It's really an act of philanthropy, similar to rehabilitating ex-convicts and giving them the chance to work on themselves."
You were absolutely baffled by this.
"But I'm not a psychologist!" You said, considering jumping out of the van there and then.
"You showed compassion to that cat- that was a test we did, by the way. Because of that, we've deemed you suitable for rehabilitating eleven villains! You were kind and helpful with no expectation of a reward, which means that you're a perfect fit.
"You can't do this! It's illegal!"
"Actually,it's legal for us. Anyway, did I mention your salary?" The man said,  keeping his eyes on the road.
"Salary?" You replied.
He told you the number, and your eyes widened. No way! There were doctors that made less than that! Fuck, you didn't care how bad this job could be, you'd take it!

"Ok, fine, I'm in." You replied.
"Good! Food and bills will be covered by the SPW, and don't worry, ma'am, all the villains have been fitted with Hamon chips. If they try to attack you, they'll be instantly killed!"
Jimothy turned down a road, and you found yourself driving down a leafy, tree-lined lane. The houses there were huge, with hot tubs in the gardens, and he pulled up in front of the biggest one. It had huge windows, a state-of-the-art garage, a pool, and a stable in the back garden. The house opposite it had English rosebushes outside, bubbles were coming from the window of another, one had cherry blossom trees and a metal dolphin door-knocker, and yet another had a wheelchair ramp and a chicken coop. The two houses opposite yours were empty.

"They're all waiting in ther for you, ma'am." Jimothy said as you got out the van, taking your handbag with you. "Now, it's your job to show them the human world, to help them improve, and to look after them. Don't worry, I know that they're evil villains, but some of them are quite friendly. They haven't really moved in yet either, they only got here about an hour ago. Enjoy your new roomies!"
He passed you a set of files, containing key info on the villains, and walked into the living room.
"Boys? She's here."

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