chapter two

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     The band left a couple minutes later, everyone started walking back when a hand grabbed me..

I flinched, looking back to see the security guards hand that grabbed me, he pulled me back as he said "come with me." As he said that Arya looks back, I shouted for her to wait for me outside "be safe" she replied.
I got worried, overthinking about what I had done wrong. The security guard brought me into a room, "what did I do? Why am I here? " I ask looking at him worryingly.
"Nothing, you did nothing wrong, you just need to come with me, I don't know why, but he just told me to."
He guard answers still holding my arm. "Who told you to?" I ask not knowing what or who he was talking about. "Oh uh, Papa" he replied as he brings me in front of the door to the backstage lounge. He opens the door and papa and his ghouls turn arout as they heard the door open.
"Here you go sir." The security guard says and he leaves, leaving me alone with the band members.
"Uhh hi" I say trying to hide my excitement.
"Good evening, darling, I hope you enjoyed the show" Papa comes closer to me and takes my hand and kisses it.
"I did! It was amazing!" I say, not trying anymore.
"Splendid! Now you know why you're here" he says
"Uhm, no actually I don't, am I in trouble?" I ask fidgeting with my rings.
"Not at all, did the security guard not tell you anything?" He asks.
"No he didn't tell me anything" I look around and they are all staring at me, as if they are staring into my soul.
"Oh okay, well you see, you caught the attention of one of my ghouls and he would love to get to know you, they all do"
"Can I ask who?" I question
"I can't tell you right now, he wants to keep it secret. Come sit down, eat." He gestures me to the table where they are all eating.
"You can sit down next to Cirrus and Rain if you are okay with that"
"Yes, o-of c-course" I say a little shyly.
"No need to be shy with these ghouls, they're ever so nice" he says noticing.
I sit down next to the ghoulette and ghoul and I see sodo nudging Rain and smirking.
"Sodo leave Rain alone. He doesn't need annoying." Papa says looking sternly at the small ghoul.
"Take anything you want my dear" papa says looking at me.
Just then I get a call from Arya. I excuse myself quickly and go to a corner of the room and answer.
"Y/n? Y/n? where are you? I'm worried. What happened? Are you okay? Are you in trouble?" Arya screams in the phone.
"I'm alright, its okay, no I'm not in trouble, I'll be quite long. You know what? You can go, I'll get a cab, don't  worry about me, I'll be fine" I reply to my best friend.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hear that you've been murdered on the news"
"I'm fine don't worry I'll see you later" I answer chuckling.
I hang up the phone and sit back down.
"Is she always worrying like that?" A tall ghoul asks, I made it out that it's Mountain. I didn't understand what he was talking at first "your friend, does she always worry like that?"
"Oh uh, yeah, she does, she's always been like that" Mountain nods.

Then a small ghoulette next to Cirrus talks, it was Aurora, "was this your first ritual?" She asks.
"Uhh, no it's not, I've been to at least ten I think."
"How come we have never seen you?" Another ghoul asks this was Swiss.
"I've been, uh, mostly in the back" I say trying not to be awkward, I always was when talking to new people, or when people ask loads of questions.
"You've been to so many, when did you get into Ghost?" Cirrus asks.
"I started listening when I was 13 but went to my first ritual when I was 15 when my life went to shit. The concert made everything so much better, then I've been to as many as I could get my hands on the tickets." I smile.
"Your life went to shit? What do you mean?" Papa asks,
••••mention of suicide•••••
"Oh, uh, I, I was struggling and I had loads of suicidal thoughts, ghost helped through alot of it, I told myself that I would have to kill myself only after I've been to every concert you do." I told them, I've never really opened up like this to strangers, but, these didn't seem like strangers, they were my heroes.
"I'm sorry that happened to you, dear, but you cannot say you can kill yourself after every Concert we do" papa tells me
••••end of mention••••
"Why not? It's not like I'm going to see every Concert" 
"What if you do? What if you come with us? You stay with us? Could she stay papa? Please?" Cirrus says looking at me then papa.
"I have to say yes for the sake of the ghoul that has an eye on you, if you are okay with that." Papa replies, looking at me then cirrus, "yayyy!!!" Cirrus screams in excitement.
I smile, Ghost saved my life again.
"I'm fine with that, but I don't think cirrus wants me" I look at her.
She looks back at me and shouts "WHAT WHEN DID I SAY THAT???"
"relax, I was joking" I laugh.

Chapter two done!
Hope you enjoyed, I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes or anything,
I love you so muchhhh
-ames x

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