☀️ Real Life Angel: Ayato x Kizano Sunobu

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*Thank you to @ThisUserIsTaken for the suggestion! I hope you enjoy! :)*

Today was the day, Ayato Aishi had decided, that he was going to finally join a club, however, it was just the question on which club to join.

So far he had crossed out Baking and Occult, now all that was left on the first floor was Drama, he couldn't find the group in their club room though.

He huffed before deciding he should ask someone instead of walking aimlessly through the school,  strolling over to one of the students sat on a chair, what was his name again? Borupen Saishiki? He thinks so.

"Hey um, Borupen?" Ayato questioned, the student nodded, confirming his name and urging Ayato to go on.

"Do you know where the Drama Club is? I can't find them in their club room." He asked.

"They usually practice in the gymnasium, if they aren't there then I don't know." Borupen answered.

"Ah, alright. Thank you!" Ayato said as he turned away to walk towards the blue, double doors leading outside, hearing Borupen mumble a "You're welcome" before going back to whatever art piece he was working on.

Ayato quickly walked through the doors and strolled towards the school's large gymnasium where he could already hear loud voices echoing through the building.

When he opened the doors to the gymnasium, he saw students with purple hair near the stage at the back of the building.

There were two students on the stage while four others were stood on the floor watching the performance.

One of the students who was watching the performance noticed Ayato walk in, he recognized her as Kokona Haruka as she walked up to him with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Ayato! How can I help you?" She asked.

"I've been considering joining a club, do you think you could tell me about the Drama Club?" He asked, smiling.

"Sure! Basically we practice for shows that we then perform every week to the school, in between practicing for shows we also make all the props with the Art Club and make all the costumes with Hazu Kashibuchi!

Ayato nodded before Kokona carried on.

"If you join our club you have access to the props in the club room without getting in trouble along with having access to all of our masks and costumes like gloves and more!" She smiled.

Ayato considered it, so far the Drama Club seemed like one of the better ones to join.

"Do you think I could be apart of this practice for the day? Just so I can see if I enjoy it or not." Ayato asked and Kokona nodded excitedly.

"Of course! Let me introduce you to the club leader first!" She said as she guided Ayato towards the stage eagerly.

"Uhm, Kizano! Someone here would like to join our practice for the day!" She said sheepishly towards the male on the stage.

Kizano turned around, anger plastered on his face as he spoke.

"Kokona, dear, how many times have I told you to stop interrupting me? Are you that stupid that you can't follow rules as simple as that-..." His words were cut off when he saw Ayato.

The two students took each other in.

Ayato stared at Kizano's bright purple hair that was tied into a plait adorned with beautiful, red roses and his sparkling, violet eyes.

While Kizano stared at Ayato's pale, elegant frame, his inky black hair and obsidian eyes.

To Kizano, Ayato looked like a real life angel, someone painted by god himself.

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