☀️Cats: Ayato x Osano Najimi

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*Thank you to @ThisUserIsTaken for the suggesstion, I hope you enjoy! :)*

Ayato was sat on the green, prickly grass; dull, black eyes staring at glowing, yellow eyes.

"How are you today, Snowflake?"  He asked the dark grey and white cat who meowed, rubbing against his legs.

He smiled slightly, he had started coming here at break, enjoying the company the cat gave him.

It made him forget all about his problems: Senpai, his rivals, the loneliness at home.

All of it.

He leaned against the cracked, yellow walls as the cat he named all those weeks ago lay next to him, purring happily.

Although today, he was less calm than usual.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, Snowflake..." He mumbled, staring at the sky.

"Right now, I'm meant to be eliminating Osano... but I just can't find it in me to do so- I don't know if I even want to." He sighed, frustratedley.

The cat only meowed in response.

Ayato chuckled slightly,

"Sorry... I know you can't help me with this... I guess it just helps to talk about it to someone who won't... run away from me..." He muttered.

He stroked the cats head, closing his eyes.

He doesn't know how long he sat there, just enjoying the company of his feline friend.

"Uhm, hello?" Ayato's eyes opened suddenly, staring at the form in front of him.

He realized the student to be Osano Najimi, his rival.

He stared at Osano's tangerine-colored eyes.

"Hello, can I help you?" Ayato asked, he saw Osano flush slightly and look away.

"No... I mean yes! I mean..." He stuttered, his face beginning to turn crimson with every passing moment.

"I just... want to sit next to the cat for a bit..." He mumbled, hands behind his back as he looked away shyly.

Ayato nodded,

"Sure... feel free to sit down." He said, watching as Osano moved to slump against the wall next to the cat.

The two sat there awkwardly as Osano began to stroke the cat's head slowly.

"So... do you like cats?" Osano asked, obviously trying to break the uncomfortable silence.

Ayato thought for a moment, this would be a good way to get to know Osano and keep Taeko away from him.

"Yeah... Cats just seem better than humans sometimes..." Ayato mumbled,  picking at the grass below him.

Osano nodded, smiling slightly as he stared at nothing in particular.

"I get that... they help you forget about how shitty the world is... even if just for a moment."

Ayato stared at Osano for a moment.

"Do you have a cat?" He asked and saw the sudden change in Osano as he smiled brightly.

"Yes! A ginger and white one... I don't know what I'd do without her..." He said as he pulled out his phone before moving it so Ayato could see what was on the phone.

On the screen was a ginger and white cat with a pink collar, sleeping happily in a large cat tree tower.

Ayato smiled.

"I had a cat when I was little, it was the only thing that helped me back then... it helped me get away from everything..." Ayato said vaguely, remembering the light grey cat his father had gotten him when he was little, his last attempt to help Ayato feel something that wasn't the overwhelming emptiness.

Osano stared at him for a moment, Ayato couldn't decipher his facial expression, was it pity?

He watched Osano move closer to him slightly, well, as close as he could with the cat between them.

"You know... you could always meet my cat!" He smiled, his hand moving to lay on Ayato's.

Ayato's face grew hot, staring at Osano's hand.

He didn't know what he was feeling at that moment, it was a brand new sensation.

A warm, inviting feeling that he's never experienced before, not even with Taeko.

His heart skipped a few beats when he looked up and saw Osano's warm smile, staring at him with a look of fondness on his glowing face.

"Sure." Ayato smiled back.

He wouldn't mind spending more time with Osano.

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