☀️Confusing Feelings: Ayato x Osoro Shidesu

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*Thank you to @JustTherePlusOne for the suggesstion, I hope you enjoy! :)*

Osoro stood outside the school gates, face flushed as he crossed his arms, staring at the school entrance.

"So uh- what are we waiting for again, boss?"  Umeji Kizuguchi asked, hands in his pockets as the other delinquents stared at their boss, confused.

Osoro's face went a darker shade of red as he spoke,

"Just... someone..." He mumbled.

"Right..." the delinquent replied before continuing,

"And who might that someone be?" He asked.

Before the leader could respond, another voice yelled out happily,

"Hi, Osoro! Sorry for the wait." A student with short, black hair and dusky black eyes said, running up to Osoro.

"It's fine! We didn't wait that long anyway..." He smiled softly.

The other delinquents looked at each other, even more confused than they were before.

Osoro Shidesu, the infamous delinquent whose name was feared by schools across the country, who legend has it, managed to defeat a gang of students by himself with his bare fists, was staring at this random student with a goofy, love-sick smile on his face as he offered to hold the student's bag.

"So uh- who is that, exactly?" Hokuto Furukizu whispered as their leader and the other male walked ahead of them, chatting happily.

"Ayato Aishi, he's from class 2-1." Hayanari Tsumeato answered.


Osoro and Ayato walked the delinquents to their houses one by one, until it was just the two of them.

Osoro gulped, trying to find the courage to ask what he's been thinking since lunch.

"Uhm... hey, Ayato?" He asked quietly, Ayato looked at him questioningly with a tilt of his head.

"Do you want to go to that popular cafe that recently opened up in town? I-I'll pay, of course!" He asked.

Ayato just stared at him in thought.

"Aha, sure, Osoro!" He laughed, agreeing shyly.

He and Osoro met a few weeks ago, before Taeko had ripped his heart up into millions of pieces.

He couldn't remember how exactly the two became friends, but Osoro was the only one who comforted Ayato after the rejection, without him, Ayato thinks he might've ended it all.

But he couldn't deny the underlying feelings he felt for Osoro, as well.

He didn't know exactly what it was, after years of being told by his mother how he was meant to feel towards certain people, that he was broken and that only one person would be able to fix him, he didn't really know what love was meant to feel like anymore.

He didn't feel bad when he was with Osoro though, not at all.

He knew Osoro cared for him, could see it in his action towards Ayato, and he knew that he cared for Osoro, as well.

He didn't feel this way with Taeko, but he was meant to love Taeko, wasn't he? 

That's what his mother always said.

But he had never felt good with Taeko, he always felt, jealous?

Jealous that emotions came so easily to her, jealous that everyone loved her for just being herself, jealous that Ayato knew he could never have that.

"Ayato? Are you okay?" Osoro asked, concerned and Ayato startled out of his thoughts.

He realized that they were already in front of the cafe that Osoro had wanted to bring him to.

"Ah, yes! I'm fine..." He smiled.

The two walked inside, deciding to sit at a table in the corner, the two males sitting opposite each other.

Osoro stared at Ayato lovingly as the other man looked at the order menu.

He can't remember when he fell for Ayato, sometimes it feels like it was love at first sight if he was being completely honest.

He hasn't felt this way about someone for a very long time, and he didn't think it would go anywhere considering Ayato's feelings for Taeko.

That was until Taeko had rejected Ayato, of course.

And he will admit, some selfish feeling deep inside him was glad about that.

And so since then, Osoro has attempted to make his feelings towards Ayato very known.

However, he didn't know whether Ayato was just oblivious or just didn't care, as he never seemed to get the hint.

He'd keep trying, though.

"So, what are you thinking of having?" He asked, taking a glance at his own menu.

"I think I'll have the strawberry milkshake and pancakes." Ayato smiled.

"What about you?" Ayato asked.

Osoro looked at the menu, despite his rugged and intimidating appearance, Osoro had a massive sweet tooth.

"I think I'll have the vanilla milkshake and chocolate waffles." He said, putting the menu down.

Soon the waiter came over and the two said their orders.

Then they were sat in a comfortable silence, just happy being in each other's company.

Shakily, Osoro moved his hand to sit atop Ayato's own pale hand that was on the table.

Ayato looked up and just smiled at him, Osoro smiling back with a flustered face.

Soon, Osoro thought, soon he would confess.

He just didn't want to ruin what they already had.

Although, just by looking at Ayato's red face, he already knew what the answer would be.

*Author's Note: Sorry if this one-shot came across as lazy, despite this ship being one of my favorites and having the whole scenario in my head I struggled to actually write it without hating what I had wrote, I hope you enjoyed it though and until next time! <3*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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