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The day comes as follows, the two wake up and stretch their limbs. Tom was trying to get out of bed however but Tord refused and held onto the brit with a tighter force.

"Noo..let's stay in bed." Tord muttered as he began leaving little kisses to Tom's neck.

Tom blushed a little as he chuckled. "That's how you want to spend our time together? Just in bed being lazy sloths?"

"Mm.. it's warm in here." Tord sleepily mumbled as he sucked a little mark onto Tom's neck.

A small hickey is present now on Tom's neck. Tom chuckled a bit. "No. We are not being sloths."

"You're boring..." Tord whined as he lifted his head. Rubbing his eye which made Tom chuckle a little.

"Thanks, honey. I appreciate that." Tom sarcastically responded as he pushed the tiny button the corner of his headset of goggled vision. Turning the LED green eye lights on.

He blinked a few times before he gets out of bed. "No uniform for you today, Tord." He reminded and tossed Tord his hoodie.

"Gah!-" The red hoodie got tossed right in front of Tord's face as huffed. "I wasn't planning on it..." He grumbled.

"Good. Because I wont be dressing in mine either." Tom retorted back. A small smile dancing on the Brits lips as he got dressed.

Tord pulled the hoodie on over himself as he gets outta bed. Only in his hoodie and boxers as he yawned and rubbed his heterochromia eyes again.

"It's so early.. why do you want to get up now? If you think about it.. it's kinda like our day off." Tord sleepily complained as Tom went over and wrapped his arms around Tord's waist.

Tom kissed Tord's head and chuckled. "Because I want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can. Now, get some pants on. I'll meet you in the cafeteria for breakfast."

Tord huffed as grumbled out sleepily. "Oh alright, hon. I'll meet you there..."

"Good." Tom said as he shared a kiss with his lover. Tord returned the kiss as the couple soon after separated.

Tom picked up his blue hoodie that was resting on the dresser and pulled it over his head. Slipping his arms in and proceeding to walk over to grab his checkered Vans.

Tord yawned into his palm as he watched Tom tie his shoes. He blinked his sleepy eyes away as he turned his head to look at the clock.

The clock read 6:45AM.

Soon after, Tord heard the bedroom door open and shut. Signifying that Tom has left the room.

Tord sighed as he went over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of pants. He slipped them over his legs and buttoned them in.

His hair was still a bed-head mess as he entered the bathroom. He eyed himself in the mirror.

He had the same dark circles underneath his eyes once again from the lack of rest. He hasn't been taking his medication either. He knows he should be, but he just haven't had the motivation to do so.

For the first two years he was, but as of recent he hasn't been. Tord heaved out a sigh of stress as he turned on the bathroom sink.

He splashed some water on his face before turning it off. He shakes his hands dry before picking up his hair brush.

He brushed his horned hair for a moment, getting rid of any tangles that were present in his caramel colored hair.

Once finished he slammed the brush down on the bathroom counter and stared at himself in the mirror.

He gripped the counter. His robotic finger-tips in a pissed off manner began tapping it.

"Am I really going to go through with this..? Will Tom hate me?"


"It's always better to tell the truth."


"Even if hurts you."


"Breaks you."


"Haunts you."


"And even,"


"Kills you."

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