Final Leap

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"MIKEY, DON'T!!!!!"




Takemichi's eyes widened, as he gasped, a searing pain shooting through his chest, abdomen, and shoulder. He brought a shaking hand to his chest and pulled it back to look at it in shock. Then he collapsed to the ground being too weak to keep himself standing.

Mikey shot you because you came back and caused draken's death.

He then felt relief flood his mind and his entire body relaxed.

          "I'm sorry Manjiro. I wish I could have been stronger." Takemichi thought. He could feel himself slowly getting closer to his death so he put his effort into looking at Mikey giving him a wide bloody smile with tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. Mikey looked down at him with wide blank eyes and tears running down his face.

          "T-Thank you-u Manjiro-kun..." Takemichi thanked Mikey for finally giving him what he had been thinking, the peacefulness and tranquility of death. He hated that he was leaving Mikey just like his brothers, sister, and two best friends did but Takemichi knew it was for the better. Mikey fell to his knees in front of Takemichi bringing his hand to his head. Takemichi turned his head when he heard fast approaching footsteps. Chifuyu, Angry, and Hakkai all came into view, all sobbing. Once they got to takemichi they fell to their knees crowding him.   

        "Take-chan we called the ambulance, keep your eyes open." Hakkai said, laying Takemichi's head in his lap. Takemichi let a gentle smile spread across his face, but his eyes held sympathy, as he knew by the time the ambulance had arrived he would be dead.
         "T-Takemitchy." A hoarse voice called his name. He let his eyes drift to the spot he had heard Mikey's voice noticing that he had gotten closer. The other three could only glare at their former commander,trying to keep from approaching him further. It was his fault that their takemichi was at death's door.

       "I'm so sorry, Takemitchy I-I-I don't-t know w-what came over me. Please forgive me?!" Mikey sobbed, reaching his hand to grab his light's hand, but pausing as Mikey didn't know how the others would react. Takemichi let out a strangled laugh coughing up blood.

     "For what? I don't blame you... I've failed time and time again trying to save everyone. Maybe it's best if I die so everyone can have a happy future." Takemichi let his eyes drift across the abandoned parking lot seeing the state everyone else was in, seeing people looking over at the small group with shocked expressions.

     "Don't say that Michi!! We aren't gonna let you go." Angry exclaimed, grabbing Takemichi's hand.
     "Y-You can't leave us, partner. You can't leave Hina." Chifuyu stuttered out trying to seem strong for everyone.

       "T-Take care of T-Toman and M-Mikey for m-me, y-yeah?" Takemichi whispered out, giving Chifuyu a small smile before letting his eyes drift towards the sky. He let out a huff of amusement as tears formed in his eyes. The sky looked as if it was about to weep for his fast approaching end.
     "Sayōnara my friends, for this is the end." Takemichi thought, eyes closing. He had no more strength to hold them open. Before Takemichi took his last breath, the sky started to cry. This was the end for him; he had no place here anymore.

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Takemichi heard a distorted voice say before his eyes shot back open and he let out a gasp. He wasn't in the abandoned parking lot, but in his childhood home. He jumped out of the bed he had miraculously awoke in. He ran towards his desk looking for the calendar to get a sense of how far back he had traveled. May 20, 2005 Takemichi's face showed panic. "No no no NO! I can't do this again!!" Takemichi thought with tears streaming down his face. His knees became too weak to hold him steady so he let himself fall to the floor. Takemichi held himself rocking back and forth. His breathing became labored as well, like he had just finished running a marathon. He tried to get his breathing under control before he passed out as his vision was already starting to fade. He needed something to get his mind from racing. Takemichi hated that he was back; he didn't want to do this all over again. His mental health couldn't continue to take hit after hit. He allowed himself time to feel the emotions running through him before he started to try and calm himself down.

"Last chance"

Takemichi gasps and whips his head around trying to find the source of the voice he had just heard. He knew he was alone; his parents were rarely ever home. Takemichi shakily stood and slowly made his way to his bed to sit and calm down more. I was sent back further this time than the first time I leaped, and what was with the voice he just heard. He thought while taking a good look around his room to see if he could debunk the voice he heard as someone outside but he saw that his window was closed making that thought impossible. Takemichi grabbed his phone and looked at the time, seeing it late in the day he decided he would just kick start planning tomorrow, for now he just wanted to relax a bit as he went through shit before this time leap. Running to the bathroom Takemichi started a bath and put a lavender scented bath bomb to help him relax more.

      "This time around I will save everyone even if that means losing myself in the process."

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