Fighting the Boss

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     Takemich let out a breath, and slumped forward a bit while he was walking. Shinichiro's words put a lot on his shoulders, he could fuck everything up. He didn't want to disappoint Shinichiro, he looked up to the 1st generation commander and respected him a lot. Seeing a disappointed look in Shinichiro's eyes would make him feel like shit.

     "Hey Takemichi, whether you win or lose I'll still be proud of you." He heard Shinichrio say. Takemichi looked up with tears in his eyes. He gave Shinichiro a slight nod. Takemichi rolled his shoulders and relaxed a bit, letting the tears dry up.

      "We are here, follow close and don't make eye contact with anyone." He heard from in front of him. Inui had said it, like he didn't want anyone to try and pick a fight before the actual fight had begun. They all nodded and his friend group surrounded him, like they were guarding him. He gave a small smile and shook his head. Taiju, Inui, and Koko fell into step in front of him, closing the circle around him. They all moved as a unit into the abandoned building. As soon as they entered, the gang members that were once talking loudly fell to a hushed whisper. Takemichi could hear what they were saying.

"Looks like they brought a candidate."

    "I wonder who it is."

           "Is he gonna be like Taiju?" Takemich shook his head and started a breathing technique that he had read from a book in one of his previous leaps. It was a mind stilling technique that helped with emotion during a fight. He took a deep breath in through his nose and let it out through his mouth. He did it a few more times before all the thoughts in his head stilled and his face fell into a neutral look. By the time they had made it to the front of the room the hushed whispers turned to quietness.

     "We have brought the candidate that will be taking my position if he can beat me in a fight in front of all of you." Taiju said loudly so everyone could hear.

        "Let me introduce you to Hanagaki Takemichi, the only person to ever beat me in a fight!" With that the three in front moved to reveal Takemichi with a bored stare. He walked up and stood beside Taiju. The members gasped as he did that. Beside him he could tell that Koko and Inui had tensed thinking that Taiju would just forget the fighting ring and pummel him right then and there for the disrespect he showed to the still acting commander. Takemichi just let out a huff and rolled his eyes. To everyone's shock Taiju just let out a laugh and slung his arm around Takemichi.

       "Well what is everyone standing around for, let's get the party going." Takemichi said, making everyone fall out of their stupor and start making a fighting ring in the middle giving enough space to not get caught up in the fight that was gonna be taking place.  Takemichi dropped the bags he was holding in front of Akkun and handed him his cardigan as well. He met Taiju in the middle of the circle that was made. Inui stepped up to begin the match. Takemichi smirked at Taiju before running and jumping in the air with his leg stretched out. Before the kick could land Taiju brought his arms up in an x blocking him. Takemichi just looked at Taiju with a big grin. He hasn't had this much fun in forever.

       "Is that all you got, Takemichi?" Taiju teased with a wide smile before going to punch him. Takemichi dodged and sent a punch to Taiju's stomach. The punch connected and made Taiju bend. Taking the opportunity, Takemichi grabbed his head and brought it down on his knee. Effectively making Taiju drop to the floor.

      "Ah Taiju I thought you would've fought better, not sloppy." Takemich said, crouching down and patting Taiju's head. Everyone held their breath when he had done that to Taiju. It was a tense silence until a laugh broke it.

      "You're still just as good aren't you Takemichi?" He just looked down and smiled at Taiju.

      "I only got stronger to protect." He said before he held out a hand to Taiju.

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