Social Experiment 1: The Cabin

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The nearby TV was on with static, there wasn't much noise in the room except for the breathing of the two individuals unconscious on the couch. Both wore a mask, it was unknown at this moment what exactly the mask did. As the TV turned off, both individuals jolted awake, confused. They didn't exactly know how they got where they were nor remembered much. The male closer to the couch attempted to remove the mask on his face, having no avail as the mask didn't come undone and both individuals would be trapped with these masks on. The other person on the couch looked at the male who was attempting to take off his mask as they sighed looking at him. "Don't bother, it's clear something is going on here. I don't know what exactly." They spoke to the male as the male looked up at the person sitting beside him on the couch, they looked familiar to him. It took him a moment of sitting there to realize who was beside him on the couch, Grey, one of his best friends. Grey who was looking at the male had the same realization of who was sitting beside them, Ranboo as both got up from the couch.

Ranboo would move over to a nearby door which had chains and when attempting to open the door he would be able to see that the door was locked. Grey getting a better look at the room saw many things, the TV wasn't just the only thing that they saw. 

Within this room had many things, like an urn that sit oddly close to the edge of the drawer and a bookshelf, with what knows what kind of books. The room to them looked more like being in a cabin, or at least that's the type of vibe they were getting from the room the two were in. 

Ranboo walked over to the next door on the other side attempting to get through but just like the door he opened once before, it was also locked. There was only one door left, who knows if it would unlock or where it would take the both of them. Grey and Ranboo would look at the door that hasn't been attempted to open before looking at one another, they both knew that in each other's look, they had to find some way out of this wherever they are. 

This time, Grey decided to open the door letting the male beside them step in front as the two appeared to be outside, they could hear the noises of animals as Ranboo stepped out of the door frame both he and Grey would hear a roaring sound causing them both to go back through the door as Ranboo closed it, both ending back up within the cabin. As Ranboo would decide to look through the books Grey would walk around the room, trying to figure out where exactly the two of them were but there was no indication. 

A few moments later there would be a sound of crashing as both Grey and Ranboo turned to the sound seeing that the urn that sat oddly close to the edge of the drawer did indeed end up falling as the urn broke, spilling the ashes of someone on the ground. Ranboo would move over to the urn mumbling something to himself as he picked up some of the ashes getting a better look at it when the two of their masks begin to flash. "No, no, no, no!" Ranboo shouted as he backed up from the urn before both masks turned on causing the male to stand up. "Where am I?" Ranboo asked looking around the room as Grey watched the male. They didn't have the same reaction that the male had to the masks doing whatever they did as they didn't realize it until the last moment. 

"This place looks weird," Grey spoke to Ranboo as they stood by him causing the male to turn to them as he nodded before beginning to get a better look at the room. Grey would go over to the second door that Ranboo attempted to open before they noticed the locks on the door as they turned to Ranboo. "Hey check this out." They spoke to him while standing there as Ranboo walked over to them looking as he saw the locks on the door. "Hm, guess we better find these keys. Where could they be?" He spoke moving over to a small box beginning to check that to see if he could find the keys Grey agreed with him deciding to check over by the urn and opening the drawer to see if they could find any keys. 

Ranboo moved from the small box over to the bookshelf trying to see if he could find anything when one of the books fell on the ground making him confused. Grey turned over to Ranboo as they stood there before they would begin to speak. "Are you making a mess already?" They asked him as Ranboo looked over at them for a moment before he rolled his eyes jokingly crouching down to pick up the book before the books on the shelf fell on him making Grey let out a laugh as they watched that happen causing another look from the male as he turned back to the bookshelf, finding a green key, deciding to put it into his pocket until the timing was good for the key. 

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