Social Experiment 3: The Choice

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Looking at the place the two were in at this point was a completely different building than the rooms the two had been in together. The building itself was an abandoned mall, on different areas and hallways there were people with masks and suits walking around this abandoned area, almost as if they were doing patrols ensuring everything was right. This was something new to Grey and Ranboo, and it was going to continue to get more and more weird as their adventure continued.

Grey and Ranboo stood there getting the dynamite necklaces off of the both of them, even though the Puzzler had died neither of them wanted to have these necklaces explode without any of them realizing. Ranboo would walk back over to where the two walked out of, taking the dynamite necklace that Grey had just taken off before throwing it into the set as both of them noticed something following the two of them. It seemed to be a person holding a camera but not speaking causing Grey to worry before Ranboo would begin to speak to the camera itself, "Hello? Can you help me? Hello? What's you know what's going on? I mean I don't, hello?" Ranboo asked, beginning to walk over to Grey as he stood close to him, neither of them knew if the person in front of them were part of the reason they got there. They both stood there looking at the person before they heard the same voice speak to the two of them. 

"Hey just a minute you two, I'm behind you. Over by that mountain over there." The voice spoke and it took a moment before the two realized where they had to go they walked over to what used to be an ad or directory for the mall as the screen turned on showing the same male that helped the two figure a way out, standing there as he looked at the two of them before he spoke. 

"Ah. Hello Ranboo, Grey. Now that we have a moment, my name is Hetch and thanks to you both I've finally been able to take control of this facility." Hetch spoke to the two of them as Grey stood there looking at Hetch before they would begin to speak. "Facility? Where are we what's going on?" Grey asked looking at the male on the screen causing Hetch to look back at them before he would begin to respond back to them. "Look, everything you've been through. It's all been broadcasted, to some sort of audience." Hetch responded as the same person with a camera pointed at the two of them, making sure to have Hetch in view even though he was a screen while Ranboo stood there confused before he would begin to respond back to him. "Are they...are they still...they're still here?" He asked in confusion causing Hetch on the other side to nod his head before he would respond back to him. "Yeah well, look I don't quite know how to turn them off I don't even really know where they are being broadcast to but, doesn't really matter. They can't control either of you anymore. I'll explain everything in time, the most important thing is, I've disabled the controls on both of your masks. The only way I can communicate with you both though so do not take it off." Hetch spoke before Ranboo attempted to take off his mask causing Grey to smack his arm away. 

"Didn't he just say not to take it off??" Grey asked looking at the male beside them causing Ranboo to look back at them with a glare before Hetch would begin to respond back to the two of them. "Yes, don't take it off. Trust me." Hetch spoke looking at the two of them before Ranboo looked back at Hetch before he would begin to question why he couldn't take off his mask. "Why not?" Ranboo asked looking at him causing Hetch to respond to him, "Look, once we shut this facility down, then we can get those things off of you, okay? There's an alarm set in if it gets taken off prematurely, the whole place goes up." Hetch explained causing Ranboo to nod before the two begin to ask about a plan for the two of them to get out of there Hetch explained to the two of them that they both just needed to keep going as he spoke. "The heart of this place is in a server room, if I can get access to that I can shut the whole thing down. Look I'll guide the two of you. Don't worry about that camera alright? I've got control of it, it's how I got eyes on you both. He's basically a drone." Hetch explained to them both causing both Grey and Ranboo to nod as they felt a bit suspicious about the 'drone' following them.

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