Social Experiment 2: The Warehouse Part 2

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Decided to cut Warehouse into 2 parts

The next room was completely different from the one before, it had multiple clothes, almost as if it was the Puzzler's closet as they looked around. They all stood there looking around the room before hearing noises as they heard the Puzzler asking him to fly in front of them causing the Puzzler himself to begin to speak from wherever he was. "Anyway, welcome. Unfortunately, you've lost another member of your party, haven't you?" The Puzzler asked getting back responses about how they threw him the Puzzler explained how he was able to see what happened with his 'third eye' before he explained that he would send them more people as Grey looked around the room before seeing Ethan and Austin both crawl through before the rats and the Puzzler himself would crawl through with them as they explained everything that happened to the others that have died already.

"Ranboo and Grey, welcome to the next challenge. This challenge is very interesting, lots of stuff in here." The Puzzler spoke, looking over to the two while Ranboo looked at him before he would begin to respond back. "Is this a closet?" Ranboo asked looking at the Puzzler causing the Puzzler himself to respond back to him. "Could be." The Puzzler responded while everyone in the group talked about how there were a lot of clothes and a lot of women's clothing some of which included a lot of wigs as the Puzzler spoke. "Rats, direct them to turn around I don't want them to see what I'm about to do and by the way, don't forget who has this." The Puzzler spoke taking out the detonator which could blow up every person in the room including Grey and Ranboo themselves as they all had a necklace with a piece of equipment that could blow them up in a click of a button.

The others would end up turning around and facing a bunch of clothes before the Puzzler spoke. "The only cue and the only clue you get is, appearances aren't all they seem. Appearances aren't all that they seem, sometimes you need to change in perspective." The Puzzler spoke before he began to struggle to get into the door it took a few moments before the group was given the all-clear to turn around once more everyone turned around seeing that the rats and the Puzzler were gone as they stood there. Grey walked around the room getting a look around before thinking about the clue that the Puzzler had given to the group while looking around at the clothes before Ethan spoke. "What if we change, because there's all these clothes here. What if we change our appearance, right? Looks are deceiving, what if we deceive him with our looks." Ethan spoke causing everyone to agree while Ethan put on a purple wig before getting help from Austin to get a dress on Grey walked over to the jackets with Ranboo grabbing one that fit them as they attempted to put it on getting a bit of help from Ranboo himself.

Grey would quietly chuckle as they grabbed a pair of heels holding them over to Ranboo before beginning to speak. "I think this would be good for you." They joked causing Ranboo to glare at them while Grey laughed putting the heels back down as everyone tried on things mainly with Austin and Ethan going all out both wearing heels and wigs while Grey stood there quietly chuckling. A few moments later the rats and the Puzzler would crawl back into the room with the tunnel as they saw the new appearance in the people. "What the fuck are you doing?" The Puzzler asked looking at the group while Ethan looked at him before he would begin to respond back to him. "Looks can be deceiving, change your appearance," Ethan spoke looking at the Puzzler causing the rats to clap while the Puzzler looked at them with their new appearances before asking them to do a walk as Austin, Ethan, Sneeg, Ranboo, and Grey all walked before the Puzzler himself walked for a brief moment getting claps from everyone in the room before asking the group to turn around once more causing everyone to go to the corner once more.

Noises of the Puzzler struggling once more caused Grey to quietly chuckle as they noticed out of the corner of their eyes Ethan and Austin taking off their shoes and stuff and being told to turn around as everyone began to take off the clothes they put on. "Ranboo can you help?" Grey asked turning to the male as they struggled to take off the jacket making the male nod as he went over to them helping them out of the jacket, Grey thanked him as the group looked around the room once more while Sneeg went to lay down on the couch Ranboo would sit down on one of the couches as Grey sat on the floor near the male as everyone talked about how to get out of the room before Ranboo got up going to look around the room before Ethan and Sneeg found a button, turning off the lights in the room in response turning on what seemed to be a light that was able to see stuff written everywhere on the floor as everyone noticed the big signs that explained that the door was right there even though no one really believed it.

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