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Yumi is waiting for Rosie at the campus, while sipping the ice soda, "She's late, its 7:07". Rosie finally arrives. "You are late, Rosie-chan" Yumi stares at her angrily. Rosie sees her watch, "Oh yes I am 7 minutes late. I am sorry my lady" Rosie satires. Rosie and Yumi reaches the shopping complex and tries different dresses, but Rosie doesn't approves any of them. Finally Rosie selects a navy blue dress from Yumi and pastel blue dress for herself. Rosie checks the price tag and it's of $850. "Damn that is more than my monthly salary ʘ‿ʘ" Rosie thought and puts the dress back and Yumi sees her.

They are finally done with shopping and Rosie is tired as hell, she is so tired that she literally doze off in the car. Yumi sees her and smile. Suddenly, she sees Tamami outside the nightclub and asks driver to stop the car immediately. Rosie wakes up when the car hits the break. Yumi gets off the car and Tamami is with the girls with his hands on their waist. Yumi is shocked to see him and stops him. "What are you... doing here" Yumi says with the tears in eyes. "Wait a minute girls" said Tamami and moves towards Yumi. "Hey, I can explain..." Tamami said. Yumi slaps Tamami, "How dare you lie to me" Tamami gets furious, and smiles, "Yup, I lied to you. The truth is I never loved you. I've always hated you! And I used you for your dad's money. To me, you are nothing but a richy bi*** brat" Yumi starts shedding tears, meanwhile Rosie rushed towards Tamami and attacks him with a solid punch she even kicks his face with her shoes again and again furiously. The attack of Rosie was so strong that Tamami nearly fainted and grabbed everyone's attention. The girls who were with Tamami screamed. "Who the hell are you calling a bit**, Look at you first. A boy who can nothing on his own and is depended on other's money. You are nothing but a loser. Next time you lay a finger on my friend I will break your bones" said Rosie while beating the shit out of him with punches and kicks on his face. Yumi quickly pulls her towards the car. "NEXT TIME YOU COME NEAR HER AND I WILL SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE YOU BLOODY WANKER-" Rosie screams shouts all the way to the car

Back in the dorm, Yumi and Rosie are in their room. Yumi is crying, "Why you did this Rosie, why did you fight there" Rosie angrily replied, "Still better than falling for a je**" Rosie takes deep breath... "I am sorry I mean..." Yumi interrupts, "No Rosie, you are right... I should not have taken his words seriously. Why should I care for someone who always neglected me? My father was right... He was using me. I should have listened to him". Rosie calms her down, "Relax Yumi, it is a part of life. Everyone faces trash people like him at some point of their life. Don't let yourself down. Queens don't cry over the trash". Yumi hugs Rosie. "Yes! Let's forget about it. Oh yes! I have something for you Rosie" said Yumi. "What? You bought this for me?! Yumi you idiot!" Rosie is stunned. "You liked it right? It will look good on you." Yumi smiles. "I can't take this it is too expensive" Rosie said. "If you won't take this, then do not consider me as your friend from now on!" Yumi gets mad. "Okay okay calm down! Yumi... Thankyou so much" Rosie smiles. They both hug each others.

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