Chapter 1

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A/N: Some time ago I wanted to make a comic adaption of Kingdoms but I put it on hold to focus on other things. I've since scrapped it in favor of something else. This also isn't edited so excuse any bad grammar. Please don't expect any new updates ever again (or even if there's a chance of this coming back for it to be back anytime soon)


Chapter 1

INT. Satan's Room

WE OPEN in Satan's room, which has black walls and black furniture. Burnt out candles sit on either side of him. Black curtains cover a window and light streams in. He sits up in his bed, rubbing his eyes.

Narration: It is January 4th 2020, the day of the Satanel reunion. Who are the Satanels? Well, this is one of them.

As he gets up, a text shows up saying the following

Satan Satanel

4,542,999 years old, but 25 in every other way


Rules The Ayuzumian Hell

Has a Temper

Satan has a getting ready montage. He puts on a fresh clean robe, puts on leggings, puts on his demonias, and spends 20 minutes brushing his hair. After he finishes, he says this.

Satan: Finally.

Satan parts all his hair to the left side of his head (mostly) and wears his iconic red tie.

Satan, thinking: Perfect.

The door slams open, revealing Arsene. She yells out. A text shows up by her saying the following

Arsene Mendoza

4,543,000 Years old but 25 in every other way


Creates human beings for a living

Ultimate Mom Friend

Arsene: Did I wake up too late? Wait, I'm still going too, right?

Satan: You're fine, we still have 20 minutes.

Arsene sighs and leaves. Nico enters the room, holding onto the doorframe. He is in pajamas, looking tired and a little disheveled. Next to him, a text box with the following appears saying:

Nicolaus "Nico" Astraia

4,542,997 Years old but 25 in every other way


Bodyguard but also a close friend of Satan and Arsene


Nico: Sorry, sir, I overslept, and so did Arsene.

Satan: It's okay.

Nico: Oh, speaking of, am I off from work again like past years of the reunion or do I come with?

Satan: I mean if you want to come with us that'd be fine. I wouldn't make you work, you'd come as our close family friend. I'd still pay you though.

Nico gets happy and excited.

Nico: Really?

Nico runs to his room, which is a few doors from Satan's.

INT: Hallway of Everyone's Rooms

Satan starts to walk out, but he bumps into Crow and Bree. They are walking the hallways talking, Bree with crossed arms and Crow with a hand on his hip. Next to them, the following text boxes pop up:

Crow Satanel

2018 Years old but 21 in every other way

Spector (Demon Subspecies)

An artist but also the Heir of The Ayuzumian Hell

Secretly a mom friend but pretends he's very angery

Bree Astraia

22 Years Old

Half demon, some part human, and has trace amounts of Fairy DNA

In a band but also the Heiress of The Fuschia Kingdom

Loud Introvert

Crow: Oh, sorry dad.

Bree sheepishly looks to the side.

Bree: Hi, Mr. Satanel.

Satan: Hi Bree. Your dad is coming to the reunion with Arsene and I. Your welcome to come too.

Bree: I have plans with my friends.

Satan: That's alright. Crow, are you coming or are you gonna blow this off for the 5th year in a row?

Crow becomes annoyed.

Crow: Ugh. Yeah.

Satan: Good. Are you ready then?

Crow: Yeah. Is everyone else?

Satan: We're just waiting on Nico.

Bree: Alright, I'm out, seeya.

Bree teleports away with her blood magic. Nico races out in a beanie, and more presentable comfy clothes.

Nico: I'm ready!

Crow: Are we taking Ariella?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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