Chapter 7

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PAfter another day at hospital Leo and Parv were free! Oh yeah about the ceiling falling on arm... yeah my wrist is fractured but We walked to the car and got in. We headed over to yogtowers first to see everyone since we weren't there yesterday. We all went our separate ways. Of course I went to the kitchen. The only people in there was Simon and Lewis talking. They looked over at me and smiled. "Hey Maddie!" Lewis said. "Hai!" I say walking into the room and sitting at the small kitchen table. "We heard that the house could of been burned down..." Simon said. I sighed and nodded. "what happend?" Lewis asked. "Parv add Toaster equals BOOM" I say. "wow, at least your all safe!" Simon said. I smiled and nodded. We chatted a bit longer. "well I'm going to find other people to annoy so bye!" I say as I steal One of Simons Jaffas. "Heyy" Simon pouted. "mine now" I smile as I take a bite out of the cookie. I walk out and bump into someone. "ow sorry" I say sat on the ground. "it's ok" The guy said. I looked up to see Toby. "Uh Hi Toby" I smiled. "hi" He said smiling back. "Oh I was meaning to ask you, do you have a school yet?" He asked a little nervous. "eh no and I'm a dumbfuck knowing nothing apart from English and math" I say. "well you could go to the school I go to" He said. I smiled. "I'll ask Sparkles* because he'll probably have to drive me there" I said. he nodded and walked off. I walked to the recording studio were the 4 boys were. "Sparkles*!" I said poking his shoulder. "yup" He said still concentrating on his computer. "I need an education!" I whined. He turned around to look at me. "I guess you do need an education" He said. "Toby said I could go to his school" I say. "that's a good idea. we can enrol you probably,,, next Monday?" He said. I smiled "yup" I sat down and saw my Ukulele bag. I took the instrument out and started to play. I just played a made up tune. "Since your amazing at Ukulele Parv should teach you guitar" Leo said. "I actually know how to play guitar but I broke my last one" I say looking down. "what happend" Kogie asked. "they called me shit" I say. "can you play a song?" Parv asked. I nodded. Parv gave me his guitar. I played the tune to GO!!F.A.P. I played as they listened and concentrated on the guitar. Once I stopped them and other people clapped. I smiled and hid my face sitting back down. "We have a meeting starting in 5 minutes" Lewis said. we all nodded. I grabbed my Ukulele and walked with the rest of the band to the meeting. I sat next to Kim and Trott this time. "we have very important news" Lewis continued "Maddie can you come up here please" He said. I gave him a confused look but stood up anyway. I stood next to Lewis. "Meet our new Yogscast member Yogscast Maddie!" He said putting his hand on my shoulder. I just stood there staring at Lewis in shock. "Im what?" I asked stunned. "your the new Yogscast member!" He smiled. I smiled as well still completely suprised. "thank you!" I say. "no problem, do you want to see your office" He asked. "I get my own office!" I smile. "you sure do, now let's go!" He said. I followed. He lead me over to the room next to Simon's. I
opened the door to find a Anime and Minecraft filled room. I stared in awe at the plushies. "Thanks! I LOVE IT!" I smile. "Well I'll be in my room recording, do whatever you want" He said leaving the room. Hmm It would be nice to record but I need to know how to edit and shit first... Who would help me out... TROTT! I ran out the room over to the Hatfilms room. THANK FUCK THEIR RECORDING LIGHT IS OFF. "WALRUSSSS I NEED YOUR HELLLPPP" I whine as I knock on the door. He opened the door, "what do you need help onnnn" he said gesturing me to come in. "Editing and all that stuffz" I say. I Smiled and waved at the other 2 who were chillin on the couch. They waved back. "To your office!" Trott said. I smiled and walked out the office. "but it's so farrr" I moaned. "well I'm weak so deal with it" Trott said. "Hey! I'm not heavy!" I say laying on the floor. "wow really laying on the floor" Trott said slow clapping. "drag mehhh" I say. He sighed and grabbed hold of my arm,
"TO THE MAGICAL OFFICE!" I shout. Trott dragged me down the hallway. "YES! Legitimate Laziness!" I laugh. People with now the recording lights off came out their room to see what the commotion was about. Duncan, Kim and Martyn came out their rooms as I was dragged along the hallway. "greeting people" I laugh as I get dragged passed them. They just kept laughing. when we made it to my office I sat up. "thank you for the ride good sir!" I say sitting on my chair. Trott just carried on laughing. "so now how do I edit?" I ask. Trott showed me how to do everything. "ohhhh" was half of the things I said. I looked on Skype, YouTube and set up Minecraft. All the Yogscast including the ones that don't work in yogtowers are on my skype. I basically immediately got a call from Sjin. I answered it. "Hi Maddie!" He greeted me. "Hi Sjin!" I said. "do you want to help me build a house?!" He asked. I smiled and said "sure". Soon we were on the Yogscast server building a giant house. We decorated it and everything. After About 2 hours we finally finished. "BAM FINISHED!" I yell. Sjin laughed. "thanks for helping me out!" Sjin said. "No problem! I'm gonna go food is being destined to be eaten by me! Bye!" I say. he said bye and I ended the call. I walked out the office then I got shot by a nerd gun. "Simon!" I say as he closed his door. I opened the door and walked in. "Simon why did you shoot me with a nerd gun!" I laugh. He spinned around in his chair to face me, "for fucks sake what are you doing" I facepalm. "so you found out it was me!" He said in his weird voice. "I saw you walk into your office" I say. "well shit" He said then started laughing. I just slow clapped. "congrats Simon" I say. "can I get food now" I say. "fiiinneee" He says. I smile and walk out TO THE KITCHEN! I walk in and grab an orange and a sandwich. I sit at the table and eat my sandwich. A little while later The band came in. "hi guys" I say. "hi" They say walking over to the fridge. "what you been up to?" Leo asked me. "Building a giant house with Sjin" I say. "cool have you recorded yet?" he asked. "I was gonna do that now" I say. "What are you going to record?" Parv asked. "pffttt I dunno" I say. "Hey Maddie do you want to record with me?" I looked over to see Toby. I smiled "Sure!" I say leaping up from the chair. "awsome" He said disappearing down the hallway. "See ya guys later!" I say disappearing down the hallway aswell. I went into my office and saw a Skype call from Toby, I answered it and we started recording. Me being me I killed Toby when he found a diamond. "heyy" He said. "Mine now!" I say running out the mine. Me and Toby were laughing our asses off as I fell of the building and landing in the mob spawner. "OH FUCKING GREAT FALLING AND GETTING SHOT BY A SKELLY HOW FUN!" I say as I die. Toby started laughing then soon shouted 'CRAP' "were are you?" I laugh walking around. "in the chimney" He said. I looked and saw him "are you trying to deliver presents but got to fat and got fucking stuck!" I laugh. "I'm Santa in disguise" He said. "Well that was fun, THAT ENDS THE RANDOM ADVENTURE OF MADDIE AND TOBY SEE YA GUYZ" I say. "yup Bye GUYZ!" Toby said as we ended the recording. "help meee" Toby whined. "I could kill you" I say. "NO!" He said. When we finished freeing Toby we talked about random shit then we left. well that was a successful day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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