005: We've Got A Runner

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"James." Mallory said softly. "I think I hear someone calling me." And with that James bolted.

"We've got a runner. Hold this for me sweety." Malfoy gave Ivana his Cloak and went after James with steady strides.

Everyone had their eyes on the new comers and they had a lot of questions but with held them. "Hey kids." Parkinson said as she went to them for a hug.

"Mom!! " "Aunt Pan!!" They all hugged her back as she smothered them. "Hey, sorry but Ginny, Luna, Bill and Fleur were still at work so they couldn't come along."

She looked toward the Griffindor table and squealed, "Ahhh,  Mini me. Wow, I did not pull of that hair style." To which Blaise snickered and muttered, "Obviously."

"Ron,  I told you not to bring that sandwich along." They heard Granger clearly annoyed with weasley who just shrugged and stuffed the whole thing in his mouth.

"Hey can I have some off your biscuit, I'm hungry and I didn't eat yet." Lily said to a Slytherin who gave her the biscuit with no fuss.

"How did you?"

"It called General Mani-pu-lation. Mommy taught me." she said before taking a bite of the biscuit.

(Calling all the future people by their last names if it was not already obvious.)

Zabini just stared at the door with anticipation and just like that Malfoy came back with James. He held on to his collar as he dragged him back to were he was.

"Line up!!" The kids all rushed and lined up, some of the slytherins and Ravenclaws almost got up to line up but realized he was talking to the kids. "Who?" Malfoy asked.

"James!!" They all pointed at the boy. "Of course it's you, Harry mind doing the honors?" Malfoy asked and Potter complied.

He brought over lily before casting a silencing spell around them and Malfoy began. He said everything with a calm neutral face as the kids looked horrified.

They tried to intervene with what he was saying but he held up one finger and they just froze. He went on for about 2 minutes before gesturing for Harry to stop.

He let down the sound proof barrier and the kids just looked at James in pity. Harry asked what Malfoy had done and when he whispered what he had said even Harry looked at him in pity. "Come on you can't reduce it by a bit?"

Malfoy was going to tell him of for helping out James but Lily spoke first, "Please Mommy, he didn't mean it.If you reduce it I'll stop bothering you for 3 weeks."

"Deal!!" Mallory exclaimed with desperation. "No a month."

''To late mommy. "

"Damn it. " Malfoy said with a pout, and like that he was back to his lovable self. James thanked Lily profusely and Malfoy too of course.

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