Chapter 1

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As soon as I dropped all my bags in my dorm room I collapsed on one of the two beds. Moving from New York to San Francisco was a challenge! As I was putting away my stuff in the different closets and drawers with no help whatsoever –Dad was on one of his long business trips and had no time to spare for my move– someone knocked at the door. I opened the door to see my best friend Eliza Smith

"Well if it isn't my hot black ašš best friend Sasha"

"Hey to you too Ellie, are you done unpacking your stuff?"

"Bītch I ain't even started that shìt"

"Well what's up then?"

"Stop talkin' like you not from the hood"

"I'm not sweetie, you are, I just spent what feels like most of my life in your house instead of mine"

"That's 'cos you did stupid! Your dad always be disappearin' to places and leavin' your ašš all by yourself, my momma was the one who took care of you and that raised you"

"Let's stop talking about it we're in a new town and I just want to forget about all that"

"Aight fine I didn't come here for that anyway I came to tell you to get your ašš out of this room so we could check out the campus" I started laughing

"I'm not done here but go and scope out the area I'll be there when I finish unpacking"

"Fine but there are some fine men down there and you gonna miss out on those fine pieces of ašš. I'm a sexy ašs black woman and this is my version of heaven on earth"

"Quit saying 'ašš' all the damn time" she smirked at me and replied

"I'll be seein' you sweetie"

"Bye" she turned around and left

I closed the door and continued unpacking. By the time I was done it was already 5, I decided it was best to just stay in an at least try to call my dad to tell him I was okay but as usual it just went straight to voicemail, I didn't even know why I bothered calling him anymore. Before I could lie on my bed and take a quick nap there was a knock at the door again. I opened and was surprised to see a girl that look like she just left her stripper job and didn't have time to change. Before I could even think of something to say she had already opened her red lipstick filled lips

"Hey my name is Miranda Jacobson you must be my room mate Sasha Peterson" she said with an accent I recognized as Texan

"Yep that's me, need any help with your luggage?"

"Nah I'm all good but thanks, where are you from? You don't look or sound like all the people I've met here so far" I moved aside to let her in and closed the door once she was

"The Big Apple" she gasped and gave me a look like I just said I was Kanye West's adoptive daughter

"Really?" She asked me and I giggled

"Yeah born and raised"

"Well I'm from a small town in Texas, it's boring, I know trust me but I love it there"

"Well it's good to meet you"

"Same here Sasha"

We chatted while she was unpacking, I learned she was 19 and that she was in fact a stripper but she had to pay for college somehow since her parents had disowned her because she chose not to be a doctor amongst other things she didn't care to share. She had an older brother and 2 younger sisters but I realized she wasn't at ease so I changed the conversation topic.

Miranda and I then set out to find Ellie and when we finally did she invited us to go with her to a frat house party. We checked out a part of the campus and decided to scope out the place and look for the buildings where we had class and such the next day. Classes started officially next week but Ellie and I decided that the faster we were out of New York the better so we came a few days before we were required to. We all went back to our dorm rooms to get ready for the party.


Hey guys! This is my very first story so any and all comments are appreciated and in fact recommended. If you see any spellings mistakes I am sorry but I haven't edited this story yet. I don't have an updating schedule yet but since I'm on holidays I hope to update often.

Thank you for reading


-Grizzly (don't worry it's just my nickname)

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