Chapter 12

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-Sasha, is that you?

-Um...who is this?

-My bad! I though you would know who I was

-I can't really see your face and it's says 'unknown number' on my phone. I'll let you connect the dots

-Always the Queen of Sass I see

-Andre is that you?

-Took you long enough to recognize me

-I didn't, I just got lucky.

-What tipped you off then?

-'Queen of Sass' was the nickname you gave me when we were kids. You lost your accent. How?

-Oh, college. They don't like the accent here so I lost it to fit in...

-As long as you didn't loose a part of yourself... So, to what do I owe this pleasure? Haven't heard from you in a while

-I know. That's the reason I called, I missed my sister from another mister

-I missed you too, now what's the real reason behind this mysterious call?

-I'm in town and I wanted to spend time with Eliza and you

-Are you for real? You live like two hours away! I wanted you to pick me up once since I wasn't far from where you lived but you didn't answer the phone! But are you serious?

-I'm dead a*s serious

-Oh my gosh! I'm so pumped! Did you talk to Liza about it?

-No worries babe I'll pick you both up after school

-Sweet! Well I'll see you tomorrow then

-Love you sweet cheecks

-Bye Dre

I smiled to myself as I went to bed after closing the door.


*          *          *


My eyes refused to stay shut for more than two hours at a time. I glanced once more at my alarm clock: 3:30 AM it taunted me once again. My classes didn't start until nine but my body felt wide awake and I knew I wouldn't fall asleep anytime soon. I've had this problem ever since I was a kid, every night before a big even I wouldn't be able to sleep. My body would buzz with excitement waiting for whatever it is that I longed for on the next day.

I tossed and turned for a little while before giving up, I just stopped moving and looked at the ceiling. I started thinking about all the drama I had endured my few weeks here and promised myself that it would be different. After waiting for what seems like a day in bed it was finally time for me to get up. My stomach was in knots by the time I had finished taking a shower. Getting dressed was the easy part; I just didn't care what people thought about how I dressed so I wore my 'no boyfriend, no problem' shirt paired with my favorite worn-out skinny jeans and my old black converse shoes I found laying in my room.

After eating the fastest breakfast ever –nothing would stay down due to nervousness– I finally made my way to the Law building for my 'introduction to law' class.

Our teacher, Ms. Keller seemed nice enough, as she gave us our syllabus she recited her expectations about our semester together and about her grading methods. I was seating next to two girls that sounded French due to the accent they had when they spoke English.

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