Chapter 2

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I've never been what people call a "hardcore partier" I used to go to parties often when I was a junior but when I met Damien it all stopped. He told me he loved me, he told me I was special but it turns out he just wanted to screw me, figuratively and literally.

I didn't think my first night here in Stanford would be at some frat house party that my best friend got invited to and that dragged my roommate and I with her. Miranda may be a stripper but her makeup skills were fantastic, I let my hair down but with all the frizzy curls it was just impossible to comb it. Miranda assured me it looked fine but I knew I looked like Kunta Kinte's wife. She took a dress –no scratch that it was actually a piece of cloth– out of her closet for me to wear but of course I asked for something longer since she didn't want me wearing my 'church girl outfits' she finally gave me a tight black dress that hugged all my curves without being to slutty. She on the other hand wore a blood red –piece of cloth– dress that left little to the imagination

"Don't you want something that covers you a little more? It's cold out there" she looked at me and smiled

"The only good thing about being a stripper besides the pay is that it reminds you that you have a beautiful body and I am proud to show it" she said while putting on her mascara

"I know Miranda and that is great but can't you be proud in a more conservative way?" she was full on laughing now

"What's so funny?"

"You can't understand my point of view unless you're a stripper"

"Okay then" As I said that the door slammed open and Eliza barged in and twirled

"Hey Bītches don't I look good in my 'single and ready to mingle or play with your pickle' outfit?" We all got in a laughing frenzy

"Woman you scare me"

"Thank you Miranda"

We were all ready so I put on my heels and we all left.

When we got to the party it was already in full swing, I had asked Eliza who she knew there but all she replied was that she heard college students talk about it so she decided we should 'crash that motherfücking party and show them who the new bįtches in this town'

As soon as we walked in the smell of alcohol and sweat mixed with what I suspected was weed hit us. But what really hit me was how big this house was, it had three fùcking levels, the walls were all beige colored and the amount of wood foundations in this house would send fifty vampires running for the hills if those creatures existed. All the furniture had been stacked near the wall to create maximum space for the huge dance floor. The kitchen had become a liquor store and many people had already passed out on the kitchen counter of even on the floor.

 Miranda and I fought our way through the massive amount of people groping, dry humping or dancing with each other on the dance floor. When we finally arrived in the kitchen we got ourselves something to drink. I poured myself a glass of vodka and Miranda got herself a beer. I felt the familiar burn down my throat when I gulped down my vodka, Miranda stared at me wide eyed but I just shrugged and walked past her to go dance. She soon followed me and we danced until some guy with a putrid stench started grabbing my aśś. I guess I should have punched him but I had a gut feeling it wasn't a good idea or maybe it was the vodka clouding my judgment.

I got away from him and got on the table where I swayed my hips to the rhythm of the music, Eliza soon joined me on the table and one thing led to another and the table broke making us fall flat on our butts in front of everyone but they were all to smashed to care so we got up and decided it was time to leave. I went to look for Miranda and found her sucking face with that guy with the horrible smell, of course she wanted me to leave without her witch I happily obliged. Eliza and I started to make our way out of the house when some idiot spilled his drink on my dress. I told Eliza to wait for me in the kitchen while I tried to clean myself up a little bit.

I went up the first flight of stairs and tried opening the doors to find a bathroom, of course all I found were people busy fücking or somewhere close along the line –stupid college parties and the sex craving students– Finally when I was about to lose hope I found a bathroom. I tried to get the dress cleaned up and when I was about to leave I heard some weird noises coming from a door I didn't see. My curiosity pushed me to open the door –biggest mistake I ever made– I quickly shut my eyes and mumbled an apology to the couple screwing like animals in a position I didn't even know was humanly possible. The girl cussed at me while the guy just stared at me with me most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. He was just a gorgeous man and he obviously knew it.

Averting my eyes I rapidly left the room and sped walked down the stairs managing to almost trip three times. I heard footsteps behind me until I left the house then a hand turned me around and I came face to face with the guy I had seen earlier

"Sorry I didn't mean to spoil your fun with your girlfriend I was just lost"

"Cut the crap I saw you staring at me, I know you wanted to be where that girl was so I'm giving you the chance come on follow me" he motioned for me to come back in the house with him

"Excuse me bucko but the last thing I want right now I to fùck some random stranger and yes I was staring and guess what I don't really give a rat's aśś because I won't have to see your big ašš head and your even bigger ego in the morning now if you'll excuse me I have some unfinished business to attend to" I turned around and started walking away when I remembered Eliza and turned back around to go get her

"I knew you were just playing hard to get now come on let's do this quick I have other things to do"

"Is there air in your head instead of a brain? Do you not understand a simple no? Could you please just jerk off in one of the bathrooms here and let me be. I don't want you, now again, excuse me"

"Aight keep telling yourself that" I just left him smirking on the side of the road and went to get Eliza.

She nearly bit my head off for making her wait that long but we were finally able to leave. I got back to my dorm and after taking a relaxing shower in the communal showers –gross– and brushing my teeth I went back to my room witch was hard with only my flashlight to guide me. When I got to my room I heard some weird noises but was too tired to leave my bed to check so I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


A long but important chapter. Please comment to let me know what you like or don't like about my story so far, I don't think i'll be changing POV's but that could change.

Thank you for reading



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