Chapter 2

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Bonnie had turned and tossed the whole night. He could't get rid of the thought of Toy Bonnie out of his head. He didn't understand why, was it the fact that he got his ass handled by a homosexual of was it the fact that he looked so hot while he did it? Bonnie smaked himself with his pillow, what was he thinking??
Bonnie got on his phone to distract him self, he opened his social media and scrolled down. He stopped when he saw his old best friend Freddie, Bonnie frowned when he saw Freddie with his boyfriend. Last year Freddie came out to Bonnie but that quicky ruinned their friendship as Bonnie told Freddie that he wanted nothing to do with him. Bonnie couldn't help but to miss Freddie and all the time they spent with eachother, they were practacly soulmates but Bonnie didnt want to admit that.
Now everytime Bonnie saw Freddie being happy with his knew boyfriend, Bonnie could't help but to feel some type of way. But Bonnie always thought that it was just him hatting the gays. And he does hate them atleast that's what he thought, Bonnie turned off his phone and closed his eyes "Those stupid gays need to go away" Bonnie said as he slowly fell asleep.

------The next day-----

The next day Bonnie and his friend Foxy met up with his lovely lady outside the school. The morning was cool and abit dark with the birds still singing their morning songs , "Hey Bon!" Chica hugged Bonnie from the back.

"Hey chi, wast up?"

"Nothing much, I missed you. Did you miss me honey bunny?" Chica showerd Bonnie with kisses.

"You know I did"

"Ew get a room ye' two" Foxy gaged.

"Shut up Foxy, you know you also get like this with that little girlfriend of yours" Bonnie shot back.

"Nuh uh, me and Mangle try to keep it private" Foxy blushed.

"Now I know thats a big fat lie, I practacly see you both shoving each others tounges down y'alls throats in the hallways" Bonnie chuckled.

"What ever, anyways aren't we gonna meet up with the boys Bonnie?"

"Oh, yeah Chica I gotta go"

"Oh alright, I have to meet up with my girlfriends anyways. See ya' later Bon" Chica pecked Bonnie's cheek and hopped away.

Both Bonnie and Foxy went to meet up with their friends.

"Took you guys long enough, what where you guys doing makin' out" Golden Freddie joked around.

"Shut up, that's disgustin'!!" Bonnie yelled defesivley.

The whole group went silent.

"I was just jokin' Bon" Golden Fred said.

"Yeah, chill out dude" Monty chimed in.

"Anyways, what was that fight about yesterday Bonnie?" Montey added.

"Yeah, you got your ass beat real good" Foxy chuckled.

Bonnie fowned.

"Don't worry about it"

Bonnie dismissed it, he didn't want his friends to find out that he lost to a cisi boy so he avoided the subject everytime it was brought up in their conversations. Bonnie was still annoyed and mad at himself for losing, I mean how couldn't he? Bonnie was so convinced that he would win the fight but he didn't?? Not only that, a bunch of people saw him lose too.

"I love my girl, everytime she kisses me i feel like im floating and nothing elese exist in the world." Foxy rambled.

The boys eventually touched on the subject of girlfriends, they talked about how much they loved their girlfriends and how they would go through the dephs of hell for them.

"Yeah and best of all, Mangles your sister so you never get to be apart from her, man I wish me and my girlfriend where that close but she's my grandma so I dont get to see her as much" Montey added.

"And what about you Bonnie, how does Chica make you feel?" Asked Golden Freddie.

Bonnie paused, how did he feel about Chica? Was he even supose to question that? When he's around Chica he feels nothing, he didn't ever feel that floaty feeling foxy descrived. Was he suposed to feel it? I mean he always thought that dating was just having someone around and accasionaly kissing and hugging them. I mean that is what dating was right? Bonnie began to ask himself the big question,did he truley love Chica?

"Earth, to Bonnie" Montey waved his hand infrount of Bonnie face.

"Oh, yeah...Chica makes me feel I have someone to protect"

"There was some hesitation there Bonnie, is everything okay with you and Chica?" asked Golded Freddie.

"Yeah...I guess you can say that she leaves me speechless"

Bonnie lied, he pulled that out of his ass hoping his friends would buy it.

"Oh. arent y'all cute" Foxy teased.

The boys started to change the subject to last week's game, Bonnie let out a sigh of relief when his friends bought his half assed excuse about Chica. After that conversation Bonnie had a lot of thinking to do, what was he suposed to feel when he was with Chica? Was it normal to feel nothing for your partner? Bonnie began to wonder and question his relationship with Chica.

Bonnie was called into the principals office later that day, when he arrived he saw Toy Bonnie already sitting at one of the offices chairs. Bonnie took a seat by Toy Bonnie since ihe had no other choice.

"Do you know why I called you in Bonnie?" Said Principle Afron.

"Yeah,yeah let's get this over with call my mom or something" Bonnie slounched on his seat.

Principle Afton started fuming at Bonnie disrespectful attitude.

"Mr.Bonnie, Your attitude at this school has become intolerable and now you're getting into fights?? I had given you many warnings and they seem to fly over your head!!"

"Yeah, and what's your point??" Bonnie scrached his head.

"My point is that you are supended for 1 week and Toy Bonnie is suspended for 3 days" Mr.Afton anounced.

"What?! How is that fair??" Bonnie fumed.

"Yeah how is that fair, this low life started it??"

"Hey!!who are you calling a low life??"Bonnie said as he stared at Toy Bonnie accidentally making eyecontact with him. Bonnie noticed what a lovely shade of green Toy Bonnie's eyes were, it was as if he was staring into precios emeralds. Bonnie caught himself and looked away quickly, his face now feeling warm. What was this warm feeling? Was he using his gay witch craft on me??

"You better back off before I beat the shit out of you again macho man!" Toy Bonnie threatened.

*Crash* Principal afton slamed his desk accross the room.Both of the boys go silent.

"Will you little shits shut up alredy and leave my office, I don't get paid enough for this shit!" Mr.Afton pointed to the exit.

Both the boys scoffed and left. As soon as Bonnie and Toy Bonnie exited, Toy Bonnie slammed Bonnie againts the wall. *Thud* "If you ever cross me again i'll make you regret it" Toy Bonnie's face was so close to Bonnie's he could practacly feel his breath on his lips. Bonnies was nervous and his heart rate was excelerated , but he wasn't scared which confused him. Toy Bonnie's eyes were deeply gazing into Bonnies lovely rosey eyes, Bonnie couldn't help but to stare at Toy Bonnie's eyes. They where almost aluring like he couldnt quite escape his gace and he would need to be pulled ot of his gaze by the strogest force of narure. Bonnie snapped out of his trance and pushed Toy Bonnie off.

"What ever, get your filthy hands off of me"

And with that Bonnie stormed off.

Bonnie X Toy Bonnie (gay)Where stories live. Discover now