Chap 12.5

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Suyoung POV

I pushed the door open and let myself in Uncle's music store once more.  I spot uncle behind the counter and he immediately walks up to me, pulling me in for a hug.

"Aigo, my sweet child where have you been?" he says as he strokes my hair.

"I'm sorry I haven't visited you. You were busy with taking care of your family. "I say as I pull apart while holding the strap of my bag tighter.

"I'll always have time for you got it? Now come let's talk"


We were in the back room and I sat on the stool across him. The smell of the wooden instruments and strings were travelling around the room.

"I need to ask you something. Do you know anything about this?" I pulled out a paper from my bag. It was the same paper that was piled up in my room the day my house was messed up. He takes the paper and scans it thoroughly. His eyes widened as he gasp in disbelief.

"I can't believe it would end up to you..." He takes out his hats and place on the table.

"Uncle, I need to know. Is this true? Did my father really did this?" There was a momentarily silence. I didn't want to know. I didn't want to put myself in this situation. But it's inevitable and I can't avoid it.


"Mwo..?" I stood up in fear. My hands were now shivering.

"Why...why me?!" My hands were already clawed up in my hair. Uncle immediately grab me by the shoulder.

"Suyoung! Calm down. You have to listen to me first. Please!" 

I pushed him and leaned against the wall.


I finally stable myself.

"I'm sorry uncle...I just didn't expect this." I manage to say.

"It's ok Suyoung-ah. I know you don't deserve this but please, listen to the history first."

I looked up and saw his pleading face.

"Park Sukwang...your dad, was successor in music. Everybody in the company adored him, to a point where he was able to get an admirer...a lady named Chaerim was able to grasp a hold of his heart. "

"He loved her in secrecy from your mother and yourself. One day Sukwang needed the money to enhance his entrepreneurship even further. Because of Chaerim love towards Sukwang, she was willing to lend him a sum of 1mil won."

"But the love altered after Sukwang found out that he was going to have another child with your mother. He wanted to end everything with Chaerim but of course, she was reluctant. He was furious at her stubbornness. After attempting to flee multiple times, Chaerim was the one infuriated."

"In revenge, with her power, she managed to accuse Sukwang of slush fund. Her connection with many superiors made sponsors lose hope in Sukwang. He was now a dead man. Not only was he imprisoned, his music career was also put to an end. On a fateful night, he left his family behind and took a jump. "

A tear rolled down my faces as I slump on the floor. I shook my head furiously not wanting to accept the harsh truth. I have a brother, my blood and flesh...

"N-now...The debt is on me?" 

I stared at the paper with the bold red ink.

Borrower: Park Su Kwang

Debt: 1 mil won.

"Suyoung, I can give you the money first. This people, they are dangerous. You may never know what they will do to you" He assures me. For a second, I wasn't reluctant to that idea. But, I needed to do this myself. I can't live my life relying on others while getting spoon fed.

"Uncle, I need to face this on my own. I don't know how I will forgive my father for hiding this from us...from hiding my own brother from me." I took a deep breath.

"But I will face this" 

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