Chapter Ten

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 Stiles is cooing at AJ in his lap since they don't have any high chairs when he hears Derek clear his throat, and he looks up at him. "Yes?" Stiles asks him, and Derek looks conflicted before he rubs the back of his neck while he looks at him. It's almost cute, Stiles thinks. They're doing better now since they talked out what happened the night before, but Stiles was sit angry. Derek wanted to make it right, so Stiles didn't want to be angry anymore.

"Unknown Artist has to make an appearance at the red carpet of this movie that using some of our songs in soundtrack, and I was wonder if you would go with me?" Derek says, and Stiles looks at him in surprise. "I want the fans to see us together especially after what happened yesterday and the day before." Derek says, and Stiles frowns some. "Plus, I don't want to be seen alone since I'm married and all."

"I don't like the crowds." Stiles says, feeding AJ some of his dinner while Derek bites his lip. Stiles sighs to himself, he really doesn't want to, but he doesn't want start arguing all over again. "Fine. Just the red carpet then I'm coming back here." Stiles says, and Derek seems to breathe out in relief at Stiles answer. "When is it?" Stiles asks, hoping it's far into the future so he doesn't have worry about it right now.

"Tonight." Derek tells him, and Stiles looks at him in surprise. Derek looks at him sheepishly while Stiles huffs in annoyance. Derek admits that he didn't tell Stiles sooner because he was nervous that Stiles was going to say no to him, not that Derek blames him after the way he's been treating him, and he's happy that Stiles is willing to go with him. "We'll have to leave at like four, and you can burrow one of Isaac's suits that he left here." Derek tells him, and Stiles sighs before nodding his head. "You just have to be seen with me." Derek says, trying to make it better.

"Okay. I just don't want to have to deal with the reporters but I guess I will." Stiles sighs, and Derek smiles at him before nodding his head at him. Stiles hums as he goes back to feed Kira's son, she only has a few minutes left before her shift is done, and Stiles giggles when the baby plays with his food. "You're silly." Stiles tells him, smiling at him. AJ giggles loudly before he makes a loud noise of delight when he sees Kira. "Kira, keep a close eye on him because I might be tempted to take him." Stiles jokes, and Kira smiles at him. Stiles coos at AJ before wiping his face off gently.

"You really like babies, huh?" Derek says, looking at him. Stiles looks at him before smiling at him, and he stands up with AJ in his arms to hold him while Kira gets her things together so she can leave for the day. He does like babies, even when they cry or are smelly, and he wishes sometimes that he had a kid not that he has the money or time to raise.

"I do. Thanks for letting me watch him, Kira. I'll be happy to do it anytime you need a break or something." Stiles tells her, and she nods her head while moving to pluck him from Stiles' arms. Stiles lets her take him, he cannot help but pout when he's gone, and he turns towards Derek when they're alone. "I guess I should get ready." Stiles says, and Derek nods his head.

"Thanks for doing this for me." Derek tells him, and Stiles nods his head as he moves to go get ready. He doesn't know what's gotten into Derek, but he likes it.


"I don't think I want to do this." Stiles sighs, looking out the limo at all of the paparazzi and reporters that make him think he's going to get sick. "Derek." Stiles whines, and Erica gives him a soft look while she pats his leg. Erica is so nice to him, he likes her. Not as much as he likes Jackson, but still.

"It's really not that bad. All you do is walk down the carpet, stop to answer a few questions that they have, and then keep walking. We're not watching the movie and you should be back home in about two hours, okay?" Erica tells him,and Stiles nods his head while he wipes his hand over his face. He really wishes he didn't agree to this, and Derek smiles at his reassuringly before the limo stops. Stiles takes a deep breath while Erica checks her reflection, Isaac is already looking excited, Jackson looks almost disinterested, and Derek looks nervous.

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